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Season 1: Episode 1 Report

General Summary

Valphine decdied to run away from her home and her father (Abalar Peak ) because he wanted to marry her off   Lovecraft was sent to Eleford to kidnap valphine   Ricnad went to Eleford to see the worlds biggest church   Faydn went to Eleford 3 weeks prior to the start of this session to intern for political figures like Abalar Peak      Valphine left a note and then Abalar Peak sent faydn after her to bring her back,   Lovecraft was looking for Valphine and literally ran into Ricnad and Klaus wanted to "Keep Her"   They all finally met inside the church and they were all arguing and chaos was ensuing however there was a bright light and gideon appeared and told them that they should all help valphine as she would bring them lots of money, power, and adventure!   They all agreed and so they snuck her out to an inn where they bribed the guy at the entrance

DDBB Campaign 1
Report Date
17 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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