Twilight of the Jedi Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D) Campaign Homepage | World Anvil | World Anvil

Twilight of the Jedi Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D) Campaign

A Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D) game In the world of Twilight of the Jedi
7/7/21 | Full
Supporting Cast
The EMPEROR Reigns Supreme! The last gasps of Freedom die out as The Imperial Fleet crushes Separatist and Republic resistances under its heel. The dying embers are scattered across the Galaxy, struggling to survive until a spark can be struck to light them again. DARTH VADER, the right hand of the EMPEROR, leads the Great Jedi Purge to destroy the Jedi Remnant and remove all traces of the Jedi. Hope is nearly lost for those who believe in the Force.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Cani Corrik

Perl Placeholder

Zuush Alief

Jaless Vyn