Shore of Dreams

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Requiem
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Supporting Cast
  • Breena Sizzlepock
    The grumpy, jumpy and paranoid cook of the Shore of Dreams inn.
  • Erwin Deheckhand
    The sunless dwarf deckhand of the Moist Coward. He is ancient even by dwarven standards to the point he should not possibly be alive. Like all his people who happen to find themselves out of Brittlehallow's choking embrace, he can always be found with a pipe or cigar in hand to fill his lungs with some semblance of comfort.
  • Jiang Kao
    The blacksmith of Yokotoro Village. He is gruff-looking and a little rude, but he is well meaning under all of that.
  • Larissa Temerity
    The tiefling waitress of the Shore of Dreams.
  • Murasa Sepret
    One of the waitresses of the Shore of Dreams inn. She is the daughter of the original owners.
Rumor has it that along the Mistcliff of Maïves is a great hoard of treasure hidden by the infamous pirate Captain Jadescale and his crew who died at sea. Since then, adventurers from all over the region have headed to Maïves to try their luck. It's said that the Shore of Dreams, an inn located near the isle of Bantan and owned by the most attractive triton, has hints toward the exact location of the treasure and a good way to stock up before striking out to the Mistcliff.   The crew of the Moist Coward has sails set for Yokotoro Village, determined to get their big break.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Scrict Speedswimmer



Captain Dirty Danny
