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A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Lunoria
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Supporting Cast
  • King John Meinolf
    King Meinolf is the de facto sovereign of all Human clans in the world of Lunoria, ruling from the capital of Arberrang. His only mentioned offspring, and heir to the throne, is Prince Ludin.
  • Leya
    Leya is the widowed healer of East-haven. She can often be found in the medical tent near the Great Hall tending to the wounded or sick. She has taught Alette everything she knows. Leya has two children, Ned and Ferguson.
  • Oddlief
    Oddlief is the wife to the Chieftain of Easthaven, Reyvan. She is often considered to be the one truly running the hamlet and is an exceptional archer. Oddlief has taken up a motherly presence to Allette ever since the death of Rook's wife, Vaya.
  • Reyvan
    Reyvan is the chieftain of Easthaven. Although he is known to be crude and tough, he is an exceptional warrior that earned his spot as chieftain through many great battles. He can often be seen drinking in the Great Hall.

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 11th June 2021 15:00

One Shot

One shot to introduce RIme

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Huntsmaster Rook


Skjolđr Bjornson