Session 021: Court Trial & Intrigue Report

General Summary

The party chased Victor out onto the streets & he went invisible.  Blink landed the fatal blow.
Guards came & they were arrested.

Going before the judge they were found not guilty of manslaughter due to the body disappearing.  They were released upon paying the fine of 100 gp.
After being released & their possessions returned they made their way to Wachterhaus, to meet with Lady Fiona Wachter.
She informed them that she was the one who ensured that they would get a fair trial & that she wanted to replace Baron Vargas.  And asked them to take out Izek, the Baron's enforcer.
They were unsure about that proposition.  And learnt that her daughter Stella was the one that Victor drove insane.
Lady Fiona agreed to allow them to access her library.

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