Session 020: Return to Vallaki Report

General Summary

They group returned to Vallaki, & spent the night at the Blue Water Inn before heading to Krezk to speak with Baron Krezkov about the wedding dress.

They learnt that Baron Vargas of Vallaki had the dress & asked them if they could escort, his wife Anna Krezkov there & back with the dress.
They spent the night & went off to Vallaki with Anna & some Krezkian guards.  After meeting with the Baron, he asked them to check out about his missing staff.

They searched the manor, & found a mirror with a shade, that was sent after Strahd.  They found dolls in one room wiht wine bottle under the bed.

One door was guarded by two men.  An entrance to the attic was found in the master bedroom, & in the attic they found a horrific scene: someone was standing in the circle of arcane symbols & was turned into pink mist.  Before he exploded he appeared to be Bob, the missing servant.  They fought the cat skeletons in the room, & Victor used misty step to teleport out the attic room.

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