Session 022: Festival of the Burning Sun Report

General Summary

The party searched the library in Wachterhaus for medical knowledge.  
They heard Stella acting like a cat, & went to the fetival of the burning sun.  They helped with the set up & once it started someone laughed.  Baron Vargas ordered Izek to arrest him, Izek arrested him & punched him in the face a couple of times while locking him in the stocks.
Werewolves & man-like bats attacked.  They bit some guards, Ireena, & others.  Some of the guards that were bitten turned into werewolves when they went down.
Leonhard was able to prevent loss of life by using a prayer for Spiritual Guardians.  The werecreatures soon ran from that, Izek's fire throwing, & Blinks magic attack.
Blink ran to the Inn & when he came into his room at the inn, there was someone sitting in the room at the table with a square box on it.  He told Blink that he was tehre to correct a message, that to gain membership into the thieves guild one must enter Castle Ravenloft to steal completely unseen.  If he's seen by anyone that's a sentance of death, by Strahd or another of the thieves guild.  Blink returned the property he took & threw the box out of the window.
At the inn they met a story teller telling a tale of Doctor Mordenkainen & the monster he created, Adam.
Rictavio told them that he was Darkonian & wasn't prejudiced against demihumans, due to that.  He was looking for a new home as he had learnt that the ruler of where he was living was in fact a lich.

After he came to their room & revealed that he was actually Doctor Van Richten.
The charges are legitimate, he did murder a tribe of vistani using an army of undead, he murdered the children, women, & men.  He was cursed by the vistani to have anyone close to him die.

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