Session 009: Wizard of Wines & YesterHill Report

General Summary

Going upstairs they took out another druid.  Blink used hold person to keep him trapped, & Leonhard took the ugly staff he had.  Leonhard cast identify & was able to withstand the power to not lose out on his power.

Leonhard broke the staff & the druid died.  They cleared out the basement & discussed what to do about the poisoned wine.  It was decided to tell the Martikovs about it.

Davian thanked the group & told them that Stefania learnt that he son had run off to Yester Hill, & she took off.  Paranoid about what was discussed previously.

When they got there they saw that Stefania was attached to a large effigy that looked like the fallen statue in the Durst Manor.

A black horse was flying above them, it had fire where it's mane, tail, & hooves should be.  On it's back was Strahd & a female.

The tree was surrounded by druid who were performing a ritual, every so often, Stefania would scream & appear to be drained by the tree.

Leonhard climbed up the tree & grabbed the green gem, stopping the ritual.  He then grabbed Stefania & took her down the tree.

A druid cast thunderwave & hit Ireena, Strahd jumped off & flew to him.  Strahd killed him.  Ireena ran away from him, & ended up being attacked by another druid.  Who Strahd killed, & said to Ireena that he was saving her.  She told him to get away from her.

Strahd killed Rowan & the group ran back to the Wizard of wines.  Burning the effigy & the Gulthias Tree on the way.

They were offered a place to build a wagon & help with it, or information.

Information was selected.
Strahd gains power from 3 fanes in the land:    

Fane Location Benefit Ritual notes
Mountain West of Yesterhill +6 to AC This fane's ritual is a combat challenge & has the one seeking to attune fight a series of fights.  The one who gets the most death shots during this one becomes attuned.
Forest Near the old Durst Manor
  • Nondetection
  • When someone speaks your name you hear it & can chose to listen in.  (Losing focus on your current enviroonment.)
This fane is a ritual combat challenge that has the one seeking to attune place
  • Put the spear of the huntress together.
  • Find the sacred bones of the animals & place them in their honored positions in the sacred circle.
  • Fight the animal spirits, only the spear of the huntress is able to harm the animals, & place the spear back in the inner chamber.
During this ritual animals are going to come into the circle & attempt to remove the bones.
Swamp Ivlis Marsh (south of Barovia Vilage)
  • Resistance to Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder, Acid
The following spells:
  • Heat Metal (60) (C) (B) [1/day]
  • Call Lightning (120) (C) = [1/day]
  • Lesser Rain of Terror (S-100) (C) [1/day DP check required)
  • Rain of Terror (1-mile)[1/day DP check required)
  • Control Winds (300) (C) + = [1/week]
  • Reverse Gravity (100) (C) = [1/week]
  • Control Weather (S-5 miles) (C) [1/month]
  • Sanziene plants grow around here.  Turn them into paste & apply to the eyes to see that which is hidden in this area.
  • In a box under the circle should be the shuttle or reliquary both are required & neither can they go far
  • One must complete a ritual to complete this fane, by using an action at six (6) points
    Davian suggested that they spend the night & rest up.  Then asked if they'd want to escort the wine delivery to Krezk, warning that Krezkians are highly suspicious & aren't likely to allow them in, even in the presence of the Martikov's.  They're untrusting of strangers, & would likely suggest that they do something to prove themselves to them prior to be allowed in.

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