Session 066: The Tax Man cometh Report

General Summary

A letter was delivered to the group which stated the following  

  A shadow delivered a letter that was read by Elexander
  Elexander wrote a draft response and the shadow took the letter.
Esteemed Strahd von Zarovich,     We hope this letter finds you well.       Upon receiving your letter, we insist that meeting us in our current establishments is not necessary. As fortune would have it, we have plans to travel in the direction of Vallaki.       We would much prefer it if you would meet us there, on neutral territory, to discuss the matter of local tax code and regulations.       We would appreciate a response from you regarding whether or not this arrangement works for you.           Regards,   Elexander Bottanet, of the "Super High Intensity Team"
  They made their way back to Vallaki with all speed and were able to track Victor down & attacked him in their home in Vallaki , the home for the former Burgomaster Vallaki Burgomaster’s Mansion.

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