Session 012: Chapter 04 & Abbey of Markovia Report

General Summary

They went through the next chapter of the Tome of Strahd & saw when Sergei came to Barovia.  They noticed that Strahd was uncomfortable with the hug Sergei gave him & one of the noble houses' crest seemed to be a golden W.
After introductions there was a martial contest, Zephyr challenged Rahadin, & the bard challenged him as well, Blink didn't want to engage the fight.  The chapter ended with Strahd & Sergei fighting, & Strahd mentioning that he hated Sergei for his youth.

Rahadin knocked on the door & presented the party with the following letter.

My friends, Know that it is I who have brought you to this land, my home, and know that I alone can release you from it. I bid you dine at my castle so that we can meet in civilized surroundings.   Your passage here will be a safe one. I await your arrival.   Your host,   Strahd von Zarovich
  They discussed it & agreed that they should head there presently.  Rahadin mentioned that Strahd would send the a carriage to pick them up.  They went to the Abbey of Saint Markovia at the top of Krezk.  There they saw some humanoid-beast hybrids & met the Abbot who was teaching a woman in table etiquette.  As soon as Ireena saw her she ran out & threw up.

  They spent the night in the Smoldering Ember in Krezk.

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