Session 002: Durst Cult Report

General Summary

They finished exploring the basement & discovered ghoul versions of the Durst's, & found several items of value.  Incuding a silvered short sword & lockpicking tools.
They cleared out the basement & found the source of the chanting in the basement.  They then fought a baby wrapped in blood-like substance, & the dog was killed in the process.
The dog dissolved into the ground & the sacrifice of it was accepted by the house.  It let them go.

They then exited the home & found Vasili outside.  He said that the lord of the realm sent him to welcome some newcomers into his land with a welcome basket.  Which has some cheeses, wine, & a note welcoming them to Barovia.

They made their way into town & an old lady was selling pastries & gave one each for free to them.
A child came asking about her sleeping cat, & Page let her know that it was dead.
They met Mary who was asking about her daughter Gertruda who was missing (she's 30).  Page mentioned to her how her dog died & she took some steps back.

They went to the Blood on the Vine Tavern met with Arrigal who bought them ale & they spoke with Ismark who was drinking.  He mentioned that he needed some help with bringing his father to the church for the funeral, & asked if they would be willing to do so for a place to sleep.
They went to the church & Donavich didn't let them in so they went to the Burgomaster's home to have a short breather.

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