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Session 1: Into the Woods Report

General Summary

Kithri joins the party, undertanding the threat of goblins has not completely subsided. The group bands together and begins their pursuit but investigate a lone set of goblin tracks. To the South East of the village of Dalelry is a crumbled mass of stone and wooden beams. After beginning to put the pieces together, Enyo and Simon realize the structure was a shrine, dedicated to the Goddess of Winds, Akadi. Her two celestial spiritual guardians have been anchored to this structure, but without its completion, they were unable to interact with their surroundings.  The destruction of the shrine must have happened in the past day or two, but the group makes solid work in reconstructing the shrine. Enyo lights some incense on the offering plate, and gives the guardians (semi transparent foxes the size of Irish Wolfhounds) blueberries. The group offers them as well, and the pair of foxes are quite satisfied, and intent to assist the party where possible. The blue one (Tadao) is fascinated with Simon in particular, but is a little more playful than their purple counterpart Yuki. Yuki circles the group, non threatingly, but decides as well to help. They seem slightly more dignified.  Both are not opposed to chin scritches.  As they appear, they move with and like the wind, boasting higher movement, but seem to be intent on the nearby goblins.  The party travels with them through the forest until they come to the top of a slight valley, where the goblins had made some sort of camp.  Simon and the group spot the goblins in various stages of rest, but also notice the large hunk of meat being roasted over the fire.  The Tree Smashers are caught unaware as Yuki and Tadao go to assist by making a distraction, setting the leader's tent on fire.  With everyone distracted, Simon goes and poisons the food using his cantrip Prestidigitation.  None the wiser, and maybe a little more disgruntled, the goblins come back to the fire, deciding to eat since they're all up.  The hobgoblin grabs a huge hunk first, then the goblins begin to feast. It doesn't take long for the discomfort to begin, as all the monsters are nauseated and poisoned.    The group converges, and in confident teamwork, neutralize the remaining threats before reaping their rewards.    Loaded with valuables, a stolen delivery and a mess of raw honeycomb, the group starts to head back towards the town of Dalelry. Yuki and Tadao stop on the outskirts of town and sit, watching and waiting. Nectarine throws them a stick, which is promptly caught and brought back, but still never closer than the boundary they give themselves. The group begins to say their goodbyes, and Simon asks for a blessing. Tadao obliges, standing on their haunches before booping his forehead with their muzzle. The two foxes watch as the party heads toward the local tavern, and although the spiritual guardians start to fade from sight, there is an understanding that they will never be too far again. Barks and happy yips are heard on the wind, soon replaced by the sound of tired townsfolk as the party enters the Greywaren Tavern.

DnD 2: Electric Boogaloo

Enyo Miko

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Criminal)
Cleric 1
9 / 9 HP


Chaotic Good Fairy (Outlander)
Barbarian 1
16 / 16 HP
Report Date
22 May 2022

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