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Inside Baba Yaga's Hut Report

General Summary

The group begins their trek into the Hut proper. Crimson explains that once a route has been attempted, it cannot be reattempted if abandoned. Everett is further inside the Hut, past any number of puzzle doors.  Only one shows up however, an odd room with 15 foot tall walls, snaking in a weird grid pattern but supporting a Chimera of Huge size. The lights brighten as the group enters, having just received Candles of Darkvision. The Chimera growls and begins to pounce, but soon after the lights fade and sleeping can be heard.    Each small section had a riddle assigned to them with small gems detailing letters to be connected. Braziers could be lit, allowing the pedestals to release all of the gems, but increased the required Stealth needed in order to circumvent dealing with the monstrosity.  Having gathered the majority of the gems and down to the last HP of their candle, Enyo, Simon and Nectarine are finally spotted and sprint towards the last puzzle room. They dive, quickly spilling the gems into the correct divots before the chimera begins to break into the room itself. Succeeding, Crimson sees them on the other side and quickly locks the door behind them.    The group takes a moment to breath before beginning their trek again. Everett was ahead behind a triple reinforced door.  Crimson opens it to reveal the same figure, seemingly lost in their feral nature. He lunges at Enyo, his limbs elongated, senses heightened and snarling. Although he had been reported as coming there of his own consent, there is no trace of humanity in his physique but something stands out. A necklace of a crest broken several days ago, during the night Enyo escaped. Through quick work, the group manages to take it from him, and assess what needs to be done. The old one would not work anymore, the enchantment broken. A new one would have to be formed. A cleric of Nobanion might be able to do so permanently, but any cleric could attempt a ritual if their connection to their deity was strong enough.  Enyo, with the help of her friends (after saying sorry to Nectarine for calling them fun sized) manage to complete the ritual, keeping Everett within arms reach but out of danger. Nectarine boops him on the nose more than once. He was not amused. But the crest is created. A command spell keeps him steady as the new one is put on, and though he tries to resist it, Everett, exhausted, finally relents and falls asleep, body tensed from being on the edge so much recently. Crimson inspects the new crest and says it should hold for about three months before it needs to be re-made.    The group take Everett and say their goodbyes to the house, and barely notice as Crimson (or "Dusk" as his handkerchief said) turns from a red to a shade of dark blue, mimicking the color changing of the sky. The Hut leaves with a loud BGAWK and tramps off into the woods again. Crimson hopes the group does well, but knows the visits should not be made unless in an extreme emergency.    Poe rejoins the party, agreeing that they indeed killed a bear out in the woods. They make it back to the Sixth Scents bakery, and after a worried Cora thanks them, they settle down for the evening, and level up to level 3 (because they went into a legendary location, survived being in the legendary location, dealt with a Challenge rating 8 beast, and performed a ritual where any of the group could have died if they were not careful enough).    It feels fair.    A week will pass in game before the party can travel again, as their own recovery needs to be attended to.    Good Job everyone!

DnD 2: Electric Boogaloo

Enyo Miko

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Criminal)
Cleric 1
9 / 9 HP


Chaotic Good Fairy (Outlander)
Barbarian 1
16 / 16 HP
Report Date
10 Jul 2022

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