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Into the Other Woods Report

General Summary

Mint and the group hear noises outside the bakery as they begin to wind down for the evening. Carefully, they hide and barricade all entrances. With a fog cloud assist from Simon, the werewolf does not manage to perceive them. However, the guards see the shape, and just before the werewolf begins its assault on the guards nearby, Simon manages to scare them into leaving with two Message cantrips. It considers this and escapes.    Long rest is had, though it is perhaps a bit fitful. A tired Mint mans the counter as Cora pulls out rows of buns from the ovens in the back. They are given a single magical item - a one time SOS of sorts, incapable of receiving messages but sending them instead. They are given many goods and sweets before they leave. Fireworks are purchased from Torben on the way out of town. On a nearby bulletin board, they see missing persons signs detailing a half elf named Bernard, a gnome named Clarabelle, and another half elf named Quincy, as well as a warning that Goblin activity has been on the rise lately. All individuals should be mindful of the curfew.    The group leaves the town and begins to follow the new set of tracks. The tracks lead them in a north easterly direction and the group stops as they hear the sound of movement.    Preparing for danger, the group starts to hide, except for Simon who sits and pulls out a book. He sees it before they do, and waves at the blonde halfling woman in the woods. Wearing a long black hat and matching bell shaped dress as well as a large backpack, she is probably not who they expected to see in the woods. She glances around, consulting a map, and then an unlit lantern. Nectarine approaches her and after some careful persuasion, the gnome introduces herself as Annalise Lumens, a divination specialist wizard. She is unsure about revealing the information she's pursuing, but after perhaps a gruff game of keep away, the group then begins their pursuit at a distance.    Annalise crosses a manmade bridge to the northeast, going proper into the Cormanthor woods. Her lantern has sparked more noticeably, and she dons a protective glove before continuing forward. Annalise does not seem to see the 5 x 5 chicken tracks, but her lantern seems to lead her in that direction. Not another hour passes before the group hears, then feels the shaking of the ground beneath them. Giant chicken legs (15 feet tall) support a large dark wooded hut. The group dives out of the way as it runs past them. Annalise shrieks and protects her head, scared out of her wits. Once the hut has passed, the group reconvenes with her. In exchange for helping her find the hut, they want her assistance in finding Everrett. She agrees but is still unsure after the earlier exchange. With some assistance, the group manages to track down the seeming nonsensical path the hut is making. 10 cherry bombs, a hunting trap and a magical whip later, the hut is stunned, and the chicken legs retreat underneath. The four travelers stand behind the hut, stunned as they hear the door unlock and open. It is deadly silent, save for the voice that whispers "You are allowed to enter". An intricately carved door opens at the front, but beyond the threshold it is dark. Taking caution, the group enters to find a room larger than possible and a central stairwell that is near impossible to look up. A grand fireplace with four chairs surrounding it lies on one side of the room, and opposite it is a small kitchen. Hanging baskets hold potatoes and onions, but no fruit can be seen. Books are locked away by the fireplace. Simon manages to catch sight of a ghostly figure resembling Quincy from the missing persons poster before it vanishes.    Descending from the stairs is a red coated individual with gold lapel pins, but the face itself is imperceptible, amorphous. Everyone is ushered to the seats and tea is served. The being is unable to respond until a sparrow descends from the stairwell.    It is revealed that the only missing person they are responsible for was Quincy. They also reveal that Everrett is here, but visits should not be made, or rather they are advised against. Everrett had been looking for the hut apparently and the hut had moved just as quickly away. If the group wanted to find and speak with Everrett, they would have to search for them. The rooms of Baba Yaga's huts are innumerable and full of puzzles.  The individual says they can be called Crimson, and should they need to be escorted from the hut, all they need do is ask. The door to the hut is only locked for the safety of those inside the hut.    Annalise is told to stay where she is. While Baba Yaga does not want to meet with the group currently, Annalise is to await new orders in the parlor. She wishes them good luck, and Crimson hopes they are successful.

DnD 2: Electric Boogaloo

Enyo Miko

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Criminal)
Cleric 1
9 / 9 HP


Chaotic Good Fairy (Outlander)
Barbarian 1
16 / 16 HP
Report Date
26 Jun 2022

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