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Session 2: After the Raid Report

General Summary

The party finishes their night in relative quiet. At points, Yuki and Tadao can be heard moving through the woods by the sounds of their 'barking'. No other attacks are made. The party is formerly introduced to the Greywaren Tavern owner, Junwraith Ribcrusher, and to the town's supply of mead.    The next day comes, some light shopping is made.  Simon purchases a fiction novel (apparently a wizard's spell book written in some sort of cipher) as well as a collection of field notes dealing with discoveries of life in tunnels beneath a dilapidated mansion to the west of Archenbridge (but east of the mountain ridge called the Thunder Peaks). The collection of notes are both in Common and Elvish, frequently going between the two languages.    The party is paid for the killing of the goblins and hobgoblin after providing proof of the encampment outside the town, and are given a bonus after Simon quickly forges up some documentation of the "Simon Says" Guild. Poe, one of the Greywaren Ravens, joins the party.    The group finishes their journey to Ashabenford in relative peace, only passing a couple merchants and a collection of one of the Riders of Mistledale heading opposite of the Moonsea Ride.    Everyone makes their way to the Sixth Scents Bakery where an extremely worried Cora and Mint are waiting. Beholder Buns and Cinna-bear Rolls were the popular choice for the day.    After explaining that the night they left was still much of a mystery, Cora isn't made that much more calm but invites the party to stay with them while they are in town. Mint is very much hard to find but easily shows up out of nowhere, barely making noise when they walk. Cora explains that Everrett is still missing and Rowan was sent out on a delivery and information tracking.   Enyo and the group make their way upstairs and find that, outside of Cora moving things around and cleaning, the only thing that is different is the appearance of deep gouges. Four straight lines and a thumb, much larger than a human with a lot more force and weight behind them. These deep gouges move through the alleyways until settling into the log fence before launching themselves clear over it.    The group follows an open trail of leaves where the gouges continue in pursuit of what appears to be Enyo. A second set of footprints veers off, about faces twice then continues further in that direction. The gouges follow until they can no longer be tracked towards what appears to be a cracked foundation about the size of a cabin. The gouges and the foot prints are no longer seen around this area, but there are fence post sized empty divots in a semi straight line around what used to be a foundation.    The group returns to the bakery, eating dinner. Rowan was injured during their delivery, saying it was a bear trap in some sort of sign language to Enyo, but otherwise can confirm that Everrett is not in town.    Cora offers the group compensation in exchange for the safe retrieval of Everrett, and would not be upset if they bring back whatever is responsible for their disappearance. She tells them to give her a list of needed supplies  after dinner.

DnD 2: Electric Boogaloo

Enyo Miko

Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Criminal)
Cleric 1
9 / 9 HP


Chaotic Good Fairy (Outlander)
Barbarian 1
16 / 16 HP
Report Date
05 Jun 2022

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