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Session 009: On the Banks of the Andor Report

General Summary

Dragon's Dawn, 10th of Lunitas, Late Morning:
The party converses with Mobang The Magnificent along the banks of the Andor River.   They ask him further questions about potentially crossing the river (he advised he simply walked across), what he might know about a massive creature hulking in the distant Cascian Badlands (not much, only that there are many strange and great beats in this world, some 10 times bigger than a house) and if he were friends with any dragons (he said he thinks he knew many dragons, but seemed uncertain. He asked Syradril if they were friends then, but with no response).   The Party discussed how to proceed, if they would cross the river to try and reach a settlement Syradril saw along the river bank a ways to the north, and if the old man would come with them. Mobang did give Sayran his voice back after a time. When the Party asked the old man if he would come with them, he asked where they were going, but they were uncertain.   Mobang told them that there was a bridge to the south, but situated near it was a Draconians fortress. He also said he could help them cross the river, but they should hurry, as he was becoming fatigued.   The party debated a bit about how and where they wanted to proceed to. While they were talking, Mobang walked with Fiera a short ways away and asked her to tell him more about her dreams she has. They talked for a bit. She told him the words that she hears in her dream: "Help us." "Servant." "Find him.". She asked if he had heard anything else in his dreams. He replied he heard meany things, but could only make out "Peace" and "Hope", Fiera asked if he was the "Him" she was supposed to find. Mobang seemed uncertain, but said "maybe. Eventually they all agreed they wanted to go investigate the settlement that Syradil had told them about.   Mobang walked them all down to the banks of the Andor, cast off his cloak revealing his naked body, and threw his hands in the air. He mumbled something incoherent for a bit and then proceeded to move behind each of the companions, spanking them on the butt. As they did, each changed into the shape of a little yellow canary bird and began to fly across the river. When Mobang reached Sayran last, he reached out and caught the little Sayran-bird and brought it to him. He told Sayran that he hoped he had learned his lesson about respecting his elders, but that there were no heard feelings. He then turned the bird around, tied something to its back, and chucked it out into the air over the river.   The party finished their flight across the river and landed one by one to join Syradril, who had already flown across. Each reverted to human form quite quickly upon reaching the other side. Sayran came last and just barely managed to get all the way across, but not quite land, when he changed back and fell to the ground.   The party waved good-bye to the naked old man across the river. They then proceeded to march north, following the river. After about an hour or so, the party reached a spot where the trees began to thin and in a clearing ahead rested a wooden palisade that ran from the banks of the river and around to the east. They followed it around and eventually the saw a young girl with her back up against a tree, singing to herself as she fiddled with something in her lap.   The party approached and startled the girl who jumped up brandishing a small knife. In her other hand she held a small, but very well-done wood carved figurine of a human holding a sword a loft over his head in triumph. She asked who they were. Hayden Hotness stepped forward to introduce himself. He could see she was quite pretty. She was tall and slender, with reddish brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. As he began to speak, Sayran also said something and drew her attention to Syradril craning his neck out fro behind him. The girl became frightened and began to scream as she turned to flee, but she caught her foot on a root and tripped. Hayden rushed forward to stop her from falling by catching her around the waist and grabbing the write of the knife that held the hand. He managed to get her to stop screaming and explained that they were no threat to her and the dragon was not like others. Still quite startled, but very taken with Hayden beauty and for quite possibly saving her from stabbing herself on her knife, she was willing to hear them out. The Party explained they were from Orin's Keep to the west and all about their adventures so far. The girl told them her name was Anika Kairn. She offered to help them stay in the village, which the told them was Rald's Keep, for the night. She explained that the Draconians had only a small presence here, and all of the spent their time being drunk and laying about. She advised it would not be difficult to sneak them in through the front gate.   The party hid their weapons in a burrow at the base of a tree and Sayran instructed Syradril to remain in hiding. The party followed Anika into the village without incident. They noted a conspicuous lack of Incendium soldiers, compared to what they were used to. She walked the into the middle of the village to a large man who was speaking with three other villagers. The party him assure the villagers he would look into it and try to find "them". As the other villagers left, the large man turned to Anika and asked who her new friends were.   Anika introduced the Party. Keeper Rald asked some questions about where they were going and what they were doing. The Party requested a place to stay for the evening. The party noticed a very similar appearance and mannerisms to Lars Kairn, whom they met just a few days previously, but did not know his family name or if he even had one. When questioned about it Rald informed them that was his brother, but his brother was rotting in the mines of Phandelver. They told him about their encounter with The Red Scourge. Rald seemed surprised and skeptical, but he agreed to put them up and feed them for the night, in exchange for hearing their tale. He then hinted they could potentially stay longer, but he would have something they could help with to earn their keep. It was also revealed that Anika was Rald's daughter.   Rald had Anika escort the party into the central great hall. she showed them to small side rooms where they could sleep for the evening. She then soap and clothe to take to the river for bathing. When the party returned, the great hall was filled with many people from around the village, sitting at long tables in the middle of the hall as food was being passed out.   The party was brought up to the head table where Keeper Rald had had places set for them to dine with him. After a short moment, the hall quieted as a couple of Dragonborn Incendium soldiers entered the room from a side door and stood in the corner. One leaned on the wall lazily as the other took great swigs from a wine bottle. At that, Keeper Rald stood up in front of the hall and led them in prayer to Lord Pyros, giving thanks for the meal and their lives. When he finished, he looked to the soldiers who nodded curtly and quickly left.   Rald then sat down with Anika and the Party to eat and had the party tell him in great more detail about their adventures. The party regaled him with everything, only leaving out Syradril, the Son of Maglubiyet, Mobang The Magnificent, and Fiera's magical abilities. Rald seemed greatly impressed.  He informed the party that he would happily let them stay in his village this night.  He advised they could find a place there longer if they were willing to be of service.  He informed them that a group of villagers, four men who were sent to Thundertree with a shipment of iron wood, had gone missing.  They were left for Thundertree three weeks prior and were due to turn back three days ago, but had not been seen.  As they seemed like quite capable folk, he requested the party go out and look for his missing people.  They had had a dragonborn escort with them as well, for whatever good it might have done.  The party agreed and requested Rald assist them with acquiring a brand to mark them as able to come and go.  He was perplexed until they showed him their brands on their hands, then he was even more so.  He advised they did not have such things here.  He advised he would secure them a writ from the local captain, stating they were out roaming the woods with consent.  The party agreed to set out in the morning and Rald was pleased and impressed with their bravery.  He was even more impressed as Naxiris asked him for a drink and proceeded to match him drink for drink. Ultimately, the two entered something like an informal drinking contest, with Naxiris leaving as the victor. Rald expressed his great reverence for he drinking prowess before promptly passing out and landing face first on the table. Anika rolled her eyes and covered him with a blanket right there.   The party headed off to bed. Sayran asked Gus Rando how he was feeling now that he was without his ax. Gus told him to go to sleep.   Ignis, 11th of Lunitas, Early Morning:
The next morning the party woke with the rising sun. They entered the great hall to see the last few stragglers picking up bowls of porridge to take out the door with them and eat as they headed to their work for the day. The party all grabbed some breakfast and sat down to eat as Keeper Rald, showing no signs of wearyness from the night before, approacj

Lapsus Draconis
Report Date
04 Mar 2022

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