D&D West Marches, Uncharted lands

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ubiron
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • George 1313
    The handsome bartender of the towns guildhall. Thanks to his strong build and his mechanical mussels. He doesn't get tired of working and is always ready to go.
  • Sven
    A nervous stuttering man who works for the council
  • Torvald Grayhalk
    The hard-headed captain of Saga, a ships witch serves as the main way of travel between Chokata and the new land.

Scheduled Sessions

Thu 22nd September 2022 18:00

The Road to greatness

The city needs recourses and wants to establish a mine in the nearby mountain. The caves there give them a head start on some of the metals. Though the caves may be dangerous and they want help to cleanse them so that they can feel safe when they work there.   5 Players Needed

This story is told by

The Protagonists


8 / 8 HP

Cain Price