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Session XIX: The Basement of Funness Report

General Summary

starts off by casting dispel evil and dispel chaos on the forge. The party decides to head to the west to find a room that is a bunch of cots, while the door to the north has also a bunch of cots. The party then heads to the southwest to open the door. It connects to a wide chamber with two vaults on the east and west. This chamber holds a variety of weapons and gear of varying quality, but many racks are empty. Nothing in the room is magical or masterwork, but it is useful to the army as goods. To the north, they open the door to find more weapons and gear. To the south, they find another room of the same.   The party then heads back to the main forge room, heading to the northwest to find a crafting room. The party scans along the wall to find any secret entrances, but they do not find any. activates the platform to lower down to the bottom level. While the party heads over to the door, heals up the party little bit, while gives Jestak a few potions. They push the lever to the side to maneuver the elevator over to the door on the opposite wall. They reach the other door after a long wait. They open the door to reveal a very large room which has a small dais of steps into an oddly shaped chamber. It looks like there is a bunch of creatures in here performing a lengthy ritual.  

The Schirs stop chanting and immediately point as the doors are opened. noses past the party into the room, and starts off by casting black tentacles, which grapples all of the enemies. casts good hope and moves off the elevator into the room. Jestak rages and runs into the room, attacking a Schir, critting the enemy for lots of damage. A Schir breaks out and moves over towards while moves into the room and attacks the Schir next to a few times, dealing some damage. Chorussina casts greater teleport just as casts holy smite on the four grappled Schirs, killing one, and damaging the other three. moves up between and the nearby Schir. uses inspire courage, and studies the circle from long range, where he figures out that they were trying to open a portal that was a quarter mile in diameter.   Jestak then charges another Schir, killing it outright. The Schir in front of attacks her. uses some arrows to kill two of the Schirs. The last Schir tries to break out, but fails, while Chorussina moves back into the room and uses wall of force to trap behind it. uses spear of purity on Chorussina, but misses. quickly moves over to Chorussina and uses smite evil.   uses gallant inspiration to try to hit Chorussina and does some damage. Jestak rages and moves over to Chorussina, while cleans up the last Schir. Chorussina then casts dominate person on Jestak, but fails. uses aura of destruction, which allows slices Chorussina up into thin pieces.   then attempts to figure out what the crystal, and he only knows of it as focusing crystal. He determines that the crystal would have been used to open a huge tear in the fabric of reality. They decide to wait until later to deal with the crystal. They head to the north to find a set of double doors. Opening the doors, they find a hallway leading on, and stairs leading up to double doors. The party opens the doors to a large, long chamber that has more stairs. At the end of the chamber, they see the Sword of Valor sitting on a pedestal. In the floor, there is a circle of arcane purpose. The party progresses carefully, and uses dispel magic on the circle, and it disappears. They slowly head forward, and use detect magic on the banner, and they find it is a trap, where the entire room screams. It affects Jestak, Emily, and are affected, which both and Emily become unconcious at -1 hit points. rushes over and heals them up quickly.   As they drag everyone out of the room, they notice the room now looks barren. They heal and Emily up as much as possible quickly. They head out to the north door, seeing stairs down with a hallway to the left. They carefully head down the hallway, which ends at a set of double doors. They find a large room with a five-foot ledge running around a circular pit. The second elevated ledge has a short series of steps rising to a small platform. In the middle, they find a statue with a lot of different weapons. In the room, finds that the room has illusion magic in it. uses ray of enfeeblement on the statue, and it does nothing. gets shoved into the pit, which he falls into the floor, taking some falling damage as he hits the bottom of the pit.   notices the floor is illusory, and she fishes out the rope from her backpack. Heading around, gets invisibly pushed, but she is able to hold her ground. Jestak approaches the edge looking for . finds out that it is Green Slime which is now eating away at 's flesh. stands up and casts fireball at his feet, which burns away the Green Slime. then helps out of the pit.   leads the way around to the other side of the pit to the door, which she gets pushed a little bit. They head to the door, buffing, and then opening the door, which they just see an inky blackness. casts daylight to try to negate it, but it only extends the light out into the room. The north and south walls of this chamber feature three alcoves each, with a large, jagged purple crystal on a pedestal, and a banner at the end.   Starting off, a black blob hits which disables the daylight spell. casts owl's wisdom, while the rest of the party waits at the door. Jestak wants to attack the darkness, but the party prevents her from moving. uses daylight on himself, and then uses dispel magic on one of the castings of deeper darkness, closer to the party. then moves up, looking for a target. steps up next to with his lance. moves into the back of the room and readies an attack in case she sees anything. Jestak rages and charges at the darkness, looking for a target, but finds none.  
A force pulls on , attempting to push him into the pit, but it doesn't work. kicks off the wall a little bit, and gets close enough to see the enemy, a shadow demon named Eustoriax. uses good hope and inspire courage, notifying the party of his knowledge of the demon. takes a readied shot against the demon. pulls into the room like a red balloon and closes the door behind him. uses smite evil on Eustoriax, and divine bond on her offhand, and gives herself Ghostslayer, and then moves up next to Jestak. uses divine favor, and steps up next to Jestak. moves up behind then takes a shot on the demon, dealing some damage, and uses enemy insight to help Jestak and .   Jestak then charges Eustoriax, dealing some damage against the shadow demon. Eustoriax then responds by using a cone of fear on the enemy. moves along the wall towards the main group. then uses glitterdust on the shadow demon, which it passes, making it shiny. moves up, uses ghostslayer on Radiance, which it deals a significant amount of damage. uses his scabbard to make his weapon magical as he charges Eustoriax, but absolutely misses. moves up and unloads on the shadow demon, dealing a decent amount of damage.   Next, Jestak moves up and swings multiple times at the shadow demon, dealing a significant amount of damage. Eustoriax responds by biting and swiping at , but misses all three times. moves up closer, while uses web bolt against the shadow demon, which it seems to have no effect. then steps up and unloads on the demon, which it responds with a sudden block, which still allows most of the damage to make it through, damaging the creature a bit. then moves up as well, dealing some significant damage, ending its life. A core of purple builds up in his self, and then explodes in an inky blackness, and the room becomes bright from 's daylight.  
In front of the party on a slab, they find a flag, which is the Sword of Valor. They decide to head back up to the surface to place the Sword of Valor, placing it on a public hallway. goes to the armory to locate a polearm to place it on top of it and mount it to the wall. It pulses with a glowing light, which sends it into the ceiling and beyond. It lights up the area, spreading the light throughout the entire level. Irabeth Tirabade comes in with the army, wondering what happened, and she awards a few medals. The party dispatches a group of paladins to finish clearing out the bottom level.

Session Date
Nov 9, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
  History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous

Reid Moore

17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)


17-Level Ranger

Jorryn K'Thral

17-Level Cleric

Yuhia Zhir

17-Level Paladin

Bosco Dieh

15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
09 Nov 2019
Primary Location

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