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Session IV: Emerging from the Underground Report

General Summary

Chapter 7 - To the Blackwing Lair

The party, taking stock of everything that is going on, confers with each other, and determines what to do. As they have appeared at the southern tip of the city, they have decided that the best bet would be to stealthily navigate the city, heading to the closest possible objective: the Blackwing Library located a few miles North/North West of their current position. Travelling through the city isn’t particularly difficult, but the team is still dealing with crippled NPCs, and the city isn’t exactly friendly to the party’s kind anymore.  
Heading through the city, travelling along the streets, a flock of what looks to be Vultures with two faces, one coming out of its stomach flies overhead and starts divebombing the party from above. The party quickly assembles together to repel the encounter and sends the demons back to their home plane. The party rescues a survivor. They reveal that they believe water has gone foul and poisonous due to the demon’s influence.  
Continuing to the Blackwing Library, the party is travelling along the streets that dip into chasms where some massive demons had cut swaths of the entire city out as they emerged from massive portals. Treading carefully, the party comes across a crossroads which is eerily quiet. They walk along the side of the buildings, when a group of Abrikandilus bursts out of the side of the building they are walking along. They start wailing on the party as they position themselves to push off the onslaught of the destruction demons. The party steps back and tries to surround the demons, but they are able to deliver some strikes, especially against Jorryn, which starts contorting his face in ugly. The party starts pushing them back and is able to defeat the demons and start cleaning themselves up.  
The party makes their way through the rubble of the half-destroyed city and finally reaches their first destination: The Blackwing complex. Now, only one building: a single library. Inside, they hear a man that is telling a group to stack the books higher. They announce their presence and the man yells back at them to leave and not return. Undeterred by this announcement, the party heads into the Library where they find they are surrounded by the fallen Crusader and three tieflings. Inside, they also see librarians which are bound and gagged inside a ring of books. Another librarian is cowering in a corner, holding some books. The party heads inside, and dispatches the demons and knocks the crusader unconscious. They bind him and remove his armor and weaponry, and free the librarians. Thankful, the Librarians grant them some knowledge about the city, and ask Aravashnial to protect them. It is decided that Aurius and Aravashnial will stay behind and protect the librarians, heading to nearby Blackwing chapter to try to aid in recovering what is left of the city. The rest of the party decide the best bet will be to continue northward towards the Gwerm manor.  

Chapter 8 - Northward to Gwerm

Deciding to head northward to the Gwerm manor, the party continues without two of their previous members, left only with Bosco Dieh, Jorryn K'Thral, Yuhia Zhir, Horgus Gwerm, and Anevia Tirabade to continue on their trek to see if they can recover whatever is left from this city. Their next task was planned based on convenience, with Reid convincing the party that it would be the most prudent to go to the closest location: the Gwerm Manor. Pleased with this decision, Gwerm aids the party in choosing the most direct route to his manor, and they start pushing on towards the manor.   Along the way, they find an Abrikandilus that is repeatedly charging a door where survivors are trying to keep the demon out. The party slowly advances as the Abrikandilus charges the door. They are able to make it close enough for Yuhia to get a strike from their bow off. The party advances on the Abrikandilus and the destruction demon realizes that there is other targets and charges the party. Surrounded, the Abrikandilus is defeated, and the shop keepers come out. Grateful, they offer everyone a nice set of clothing for their efforts to keep their shop together. The party gratefully accepts and decides to continue on towards the manor.

Retconning things

After the June 08, 2019 session, an original party member, Aurius, had left the group, without notifying us. It was confusing as they had deleted their Discord, deleted their Roll20, and had left no alternate contact. Assuming they had abandoned the campaign, we brought in another player, Setra, which you will see in Session V. However, Aurius exists all the way up to the end of Session IV. So, if you're wondering why the YouTube video is different than the session report, this is why. Sorry for the confusion. We didn't know they were leaving until 1 hour prior to the game, and we rapidly had McKinsey create their character, so the new character's entry was... rushed. It worked out in the end. I'm here writing this on January 1st, 2021, almost a year and a half later, and it turned out alright!  
Session Date
June 8, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous

Reid Moore

17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)


2-Level Magus (Spire Defender) 1-Level Monk

Jorryn K'Thral

17-Level Cleric

Yuhia Zhir

17-Level Paladin

Bosco Dieh

15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
02 Jan 2021

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