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Making the Rounds

A Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition game In the world of WFRP Fragile Alliances
2512 IC | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Adolphus Muller
    A Bounty Hunter and member of the Altdorf Guild. Son of Igor Muller who was killed by Goblins near The Temples Tower Tavern
  • Councillor Albrecht Oldenhaller
    Councillor Albrecht Oldenhaller is an elderly looking bald heading gentleman with grey hair and a rather intense manner. Councillor Oldenhaller is an ambitious man with an inquiring mind and a firm belief in his own destiny, He considers himself enlightened and more open-minded than most of his more bigotted kinsmen and believes that there is always a better way of doing anything if one only has the courage and wit to take a risk. Councillor Oldenhaller is one of the Countess' Emmanuelles personal advisors, a position his father also served for her predecessor. He is a man of huge influence and power within the city of Nuln.
  • Aldo
    A thin wiry man with missing teeth from 'The Crooked Hammer'
  • Altdorf Officer
    An Officer from the Altdorf Militia
  • Althaea Ostoroth
    Althaea Ostoroth is an aged female human. She is very tall and bony, and has green eyes with light tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Althaea is that she has teeth like a horse. Althaea is sceptical of everything. When she is relaxed, she is eager. In moments of stress, she becomes practical. Religion-wise, Althaea is an open-minded seeker. Althaea is reasonably successful as a barmaid,
  • Anya von Drakenburg
    Wife of Duke Konstantin von Drakenburg and mother of Salundra the Duchess is a charming woman and the daughter of the former Duke de Montfort.
  • Blueberry Fudge
    Blueberry is dark-skinned halfling with a massive shock of black hair and a somewhat haughty attitude. She was employed as a delivery girl by Mathilda's Pie Shop but went missing about a year ago. Mathilda has assumed that she was killed like her colleague Strawberry Fudge. But so far no body has been found.
  • Sir Bullywick Applebag
    "Poppycock! " APPEARANCE The Applebag's have always boasted that their name clearly describes their shape, and Bully is no exception. His stomach hangs low and round over his belt and under a barrel chest, rising up to a small round bald head. Bully dresses in Halfling fashions but always immaculately, so that he can be assured entry to anywhere, from the Imperial Palace down. That is perhaps the feature most often cursed by his enemies: For a radical, he is infuriatingly well-groomed and respectable. PERSONALITY Bully is tireless at being tiresome. Raised among twenty-three brothers and sisters, he learned that the only way to get what he wanted was to be capable of making the most noise for the longest amount of time. Gifted with the lungs of an opera singer and the stamina of an ox, Bully excelled at this, and although he has moved on from childish squalls to lengthy political diatribes and street-side soapboxing, his modus operandi remains the same. He once famously won a public debate by talking for nineteen hours in a row, only stopping briefly to down a few pies and cups of ale as he went. Despite his constant stream of speech, Bully is well-liked for his infectious zest for life and indefatigably cheerful manner—which is another way he tends to win arguments. People are so busy smiling and nodding along to his streams of verbiage that it’s only after Bully has left that they realise they’ve sworn to do whatever he asked of them. BACKGROUND They say that Sir Bullywick Applebag won't rest until he gets a Halfling into the High Helms—an Altdorf regiment composed solely of men over 6' 6'' tall. Sir Bullywick—or just plain Bully to all his friends—isn't quite so dramatic in reality. He is quite willing to let the Big Footers have their own special clubs for tall people, just as long as there is a commensurate number of clubs for littler folk. Citing Lumpin Croop's famed regiment of Halflings, the Fighting Cocks, as his prime example, he continues to campaign for better treatment and greater recognition of Halflings in the military. That is, however, but one small part of Bullywick's eternal campaign for the betterment of Halflings. Wherever two Humans have gathered, Bully will try to find a way to be nearby, demanding to know why no Halflings were invited. The excuse that they might not want to enter a sewing circle for young mothers or a Dwarfen theatre company, say, is shouted down as poppycock. Bully is very good at shouting. He can shout so loud the whole city of Altdorf can hear him, and he will go on shouting day and night until he is satisfied. Most find it easier to acquiesce to his demands than to listen to him for very long. Bullywick is a friend to all Halflings, especially any traveling adventurers, because they so often can bring fame to the Halfling community or, contrariwise, damn them all by association with their criminal deeds. Any Halfling spotted arriving in Altdorf by Bully will be visited forthwith to have his character judged. His companions will also be judged, to make sure they are treating their companion correctly. If they are all upstanding gentlemen, Bully will probably have plenty of jobs for them, too—in the name of Halfling betterment. Sir Applebag is an Altdorf native, the son of Lord and Lady Applebag. His ancestors were originally titled during the Vampire Wars, when they famously offered medical aid to the injured Emperor at the Battle of Hel Fenn. They immediately responded by moving to the capital and applying themselves to social climbing with the ferocity and tenacity of angry beavers. Although his family has always been politically connected, Bully is the first of the clan to be active in that realm. He fell into the role during his time at the university, where he rallied the few Halflings wealthy enough to attend into a fierce political unit, aiming to return the endless jibes and practical jokes that were assailed upon them by the Big Footers. When Sir Hugo Lorrenstein left the Graduation Ball covered head to toe in tar and crying like a babe, Bully celebrated both a resounding victory and the discovery of his life's calling. Since then he has taken things to a higher level, using his family's connections to get his bombast into the ears of all he can reach.
  • Burkhard The Houndmaster
    Burkhard is a stout heavy set woodsman from the village of Herzhald who owns and looks after the three village hunting dogs. As a consequence, he was chosen by the village Elder to accompany Else into the forest in search of the Carrot Demon.
  • Camilla Holkzkurg
    The Tavern Keeper of The Crooked Steed tavern in Ardlich is a small thin woman with silver-grey hair and a haughty expression.
  • Drago Vedris
    APPEARANCE A hard-nosed reporter for the Altdorf Spieler with blonde hair often tucked up into an ox-blood colored leather cap and frequently seen with a quill stuck behind his ear although he usually uses a crayon for taking notes in a small black leather notebook PERSONALITY Drago is a pleasant young man and a sympathetic listener. He appears to be a polite and self-effacing individual quite happy to let others talk whilst he makes occasional notes and observations often of a humorous or sympathetic nature.
  • Ehrmann Praunheim
    ""Where to Gov"" Ehrmann Praunheim is a wherryman operating a boat from a pier at the Old Docks in Altdorf. A somewhat skinny youth with light brown hair and a cheeky grin he tends to talk a lot but is handy enough at controlling his boat and seems to be stronger than he looks. Ehrmann's life revolves around caring for his six children. His wife Netta died giving birth to them and they are all he has left of her and their love. Despite this, he is a naturally optimistic person and has a strong, if foolish, belief that if you treat people right they will return the favour. However, he is not a person who believes in toadying to his betters and normally ignores the social graces treating his betters as people who have just been a bit luckier than him rather than his superior. After all one day he will probably be walking in their shoes.
  • Elena von Midwald
    Dowager Duchess Elena von Midwald is responsible for the Reikland’s treasury and raising revenues. It is the role of the high lord treasurer to approve plans for new taxes, review the performance of excise collectors, and evaluate proposed spending plans. The Duchess has held her position for nearly four decades and won the respect of her fellow high lords for her command of mathematics and rhetoric. Whilst some of her notions of investment have been controversial, they have paid off. Her appreciation of strong wine and young companions alarms some colleagues, who
  • Elisinda von Midwald
    Lady Elisinda von Midwald wife of Lord Jurgen heir to the Duchy of Midwald
  • Eloise Schiffer
    Wife of Roger Schiffer and owner of a barge on the River Teuffel
  • Enna Klump
    Tavern Keeper of 'The Temple's Tower' Coaching Inn on the Bogenhafen Drackenburg Road. A short overweight elderly woman.
  • Eric Faustman
    A huge muscle-bound brute and former pit fighter
  • Erich Jaeger
    Tavern Keeper of 'The Wagon & Horses' tavern in Bogenhafen
  • Ernst Drayman
    Senior Drayman of the three timber drays bound for Bogenhafen
  • Fartomeus Brandysnap
    Moli Brandysnaps current father.
  • Father Wilhelm Leopold
    Father Leopold is the Sigmarite Priest for the village of Herzhald. A post he has held for almost ten years. A dedicated Sigmarite Father Leopold is desperate to prove his devotion to Sigmar and perhaps attract the attention of his superior in Ubersreik in the hope of promotion and a chance to escape the boredom of his current post.
  • Franz Bruck
    A patron of the Mermaid Tavern, Altdorf
  • Freidhilda von Midwald
    Baroness Havelfurt and wife of Baron Heinz
  • General Jendrik von Dabernick
    General Jendrik von Debernick is a pompous, puff chested, stiff-necked man in his mid-thirties full of his own self-importance. He wears his heavily coiffured blond hair swept up in imitation of the twin-tailed comet, a gesture as distinctive as it is devout. He constantly shouts orders from beneath his enormous moustache, and is never seen without his privately tailored red and blue Altdorf State Army uniform, complete with a gilded breastplate, medals, and gold-trimmed green velvet cloak.
  • Genovega Hammermann
    A rather buxom woman dressed in a red and white military style outfit and wearing a military cap. currently serving drinks and food to the soldiers in the main square of Grunberg
  • Gert Hunder
    Gert Hunder is the barkeep in The Crooked Hammer tavern in Ubersreik.
  • Goldberg
    Large overweight man (or possibly woman) from The Crooked Hammer.
  • Graf Graf von Midwald
    'The Old Graf' founder of House von Midwald
  • Graf Graf Wilhelm von Saponatheim
    Graf Wilhelm von Saponatheim is the titular ruler of the town of Bögenhafen, and his line is considered an upstart by many others, for its Patent of Nobility is far younger than theirs. Despite this, the von Saponatheims have interests throughout the province of Reikland, their coffers swelled by the production of fine wines sold across the Empire and beyond.
  • Gunther The Fish Man
    Gunther is a man discovered by Ferdinand in the stocks at the Festag Event in Bogenhafen. Ferdinand seemed obsessed with trying to rescue him but never discovered who he was nor receive any gratitude.
  • Halamina Brandysnap
    Halamina Brandysnap is Molrella's twin sister though she has a tendency towards being far more reckless and less intelligence in her actions. She is constantly getting herself into trouble that Moli from which Moli has to save her.
  • Halarnella Brandysnap
    Moli Brandysnaps mother
  • Heidric von Midwald
    Heidric von Midwald, Baron Heidric von Kreiger
  • Heinz von Midwald
    Eldest Son of the former Graf von Midwald and current Baron Havelfurt
  • Hieronymus Juniper
    "I have no intention of looking up to you." APPEARANCE Heironymous Juniper, a self-styled representative of Altdorf’s Halfling population, who has accused the Watch of institutionalized prejudice against Halflings. BACKGROUND Hieronymus Juniper is a local halfling who deals with imports of Mootland goods into Altdorf and their distribution to various shops and restaurants. He is an elder of the halfling community (through status rather than age) and he is an inveterate busybody. Since the second pattern killing Hiero (to his friends) has taken it on himself to voice the concerns of the halfling community to the Watch by pestering them constantly and blaming the continuing freedom of the killer on an institutionalized prejudice against halflings.
  • Hildeburg Bruhns
    A small nervous girl. Her name is Hildburg Bruhns or 'Hildi' for short but nobody ever asks her name. She is just a servant girl.
  • Igor Muller
    A Bounty Hunter with a rather large nose and a birthmark on his right cheek
  • Illyrius Starsight
    Illyrius Starsight - Lord High Councillor to Her Royal Highness Princess Imryth Emberfell of Caledor. Illyrus is an imposing character standing a 7-foot tall in his bare feet and over eight feet in his tall Dragon-Mage headress. Caldor Illyruis Starsight is a powerful Asur Mage in service to the Royal House of Caledor and envoy and councillor to the Princess Imryth.
  • Desk Sergeant Inga Schlutz
    APPEARANCE Inga Schlutz was the young hard nosed desk sergeant in charge of the Luitpoldstrase watchstation desk. Still manages to look attractive despite the obvious facial scars and other blemishes she acquired during her early years on the streets of Altdorf. PERSONALITY No nonsense abrupt and commanding. BACKGROUND Following an early life surviving on the streets of Altdorf Inga was taken in by the dock watch. Initially on suspicion of murder but eventually as a desk clerk where her knowledge of the city and its underworld proved more valuable than any history of crimes she may have committed.
  • Lord Jurgen von Midwald
    Only son of Dowager Duchess Elena von Midwald and heir to the Duchy of Midwald
  • Karl Wenneman
    Elderly watchman and former soldier who guards the gate to the Drakenhof in Altdorf.
  • Duke Konstantin von Drakenburg
    A thin elderly nobleman with grey hair and a neatly trimmed goatee and moustache.
  • Kurt Groffnung
    APPEARANCE With his straw-like hair, small beady eyes and pudding face complexion Kurt is not a very attractive man. However, he is well-spoken and charismatic, with a ready wit and a real obsession with rats.
  • Lady Lady Emmanuelle Nacht
    Lady Nacht is a tall, stunningly attractive woman in her late thirties, with dark, tightly curled hair, piercing green eyes, and a soft olive complexion. She holds herself with incredible poise, and is able to emit calm and comforting signals, whilst also remaining businesslike and austere. She wears the latest fashions, though favours a green velvet cloak and brooch, which she wears over the top of almost all her outfits.
  • Linden Heinuch
    The Elder of the village of Herzhald and scoin of Graf Wilhelm. Linden is a no-nonsense man who knows his responsibility and duty to his betters and is determined to deliver the quota of timber demanded of the village demon or no demon.
  • Ludwig Herkenhoff
    The village blacksmith and farrier of Herzhald
  • Watch Captain Marcus Trenker
    APPEARANCE Watch Captain Marcus Trenker is one of the Captains of the Dock Watch. A hard-headed calculating man with no illussions about the futility of his job. PERSONALITY Tough, blunt, calculating and hard-nosed. BACKGROUND A former soldier who has seen too much and has found refuge in the Dock Watch. The watch gives him enough challenge to keep him interested but without the mind-numbing horror of open battle.
  • Marietta von Midwald
    Marietta von Midwald, Countess Sanktwiller
  • Master of Shadows Markus Fischer
    Much like many in the Grey Order, Fischer does not dress like the Magister he is. He wears simple, plain clothing—typically white shirts, black trews, black boots, and grey, ribbed jerkins—eschewing his magisterial robes except when on official business. His one concession to the Grey Order is to wear a plain sword hung at his waist, the symbol of the Shadowmancers. He has clipped, greying brown hair atop a plain face only made interesting by a small mole on his left cheek, which is partially hidden by a black goatee. Indeed, if it were not for his eyes—watery-blue and always watchful—he would be completely unremarkable.
  • Arbiter Markus Edvard Schmidt
    "That would appear to be the case." APPEARANCE An ageing Verenan Investigator Arbiter Schmidt is probably the closest thing to a detective that the Old World has to offer. He prefers to where the black robes of a magistrate though it has been a while since he sat on the bench in judgment of anyone and normally wears an academic's black cap over to protect his bald head. He still wears the scales of justice around hi9s neck from his time as a Scalebearer in the order. PERSONALITY Markus Edvard Schmidt is getting on in years and has trouble maintaining his focus and formulating a clear sentence let alone a judgment. When he speaks its usually in the form of a pronouncement and is often quite rambling in its content. But he still has an element of his old skill and should not be underestimated. BACKGROUND A former magistrate and Scalebearer of the Cult of Verena the order now assigns Markus Edvard Schmidt to those cases that it considered trivial and unimportant. Nevertheless, Schmidt seems oblivious to this and treats each case as a vital test of his fast diminishing intellect.
  • Matilda
    APPEARANCE Fat Mathilda is probably the biggest halfling in Altdorf and runs the only official halfling bakery in the Sindelfingen District. She may not be the tallest halfling standing only 3' 4" in her stocking feet, but her lack of height is more than compensated for by her width. She is built like an Orc, in fact, rumours are rife that she may actually be a half-orc and she has muscles to match developed by years of kneading dough and wielding a frying pan to the heads of anyone that annoys her.
  • Maximillian Schreiber
    Maxmilian 'Max' Schreiber is an Imperial wizard who has dedicated his life to combating Chaos. Sworn to oppose Chaos since the death of his family at the hands of beastmen, Max was kicked out of the Imperial College of Wizardry for what was considered an unhealthy interest in Chaos, despite his arguments that to effectively combat Chaos one must know their enemy. Currently serving as an advisor to the Elector-Count of Middenheim Max first met Borek Forkbeard, an elderly dwarf who was planning an expedition into the Chaos Wastes. Some years later when Borek's plans came together Max boarded the airship Spirit of Grungni and travelled aboard it to Kislev, where he cast powerful protective enchantments over the vessel to defend it from the affects of Chaos during its journey. While aboard the airship Max first met Felix and Gotrek, and became Felix's rival for the attentions of Ulrika. Though handsome and intelligent, he was unable to win Ulrika over. Max stayed behind at the manse of Ivan Petrovich Straghov during the Spirit of Grungni's journey over the Wastes and was there when the manse was attacked by skaven. Imprisoned and beaten, Max was freed by Ulrika and was able to use his magic to combat skaven Grey Seer Thanquol, who was attempting to steal the returning airship with powerful Warp sorcery. After the battle Max joined the party aboard the airship and travelled with them to Karak Kadrin, the Slayer Keep, and accompanied the mixed group of humans and Slayers on the quest to slay the dragon Skjalandir, though he admitted to himself that this was mainly so he could stay near Ulrika. During a goblin ambush in the mountains Max was able to use more powerful magic that he had before and came to realize that his abilities were growing through use in combat. Surviving the battle with the dragon and the clash between orcs and bandits that followed Max stayed on the airship as it travelled to Praag, where he joined in the defence of the city against the Chaos horde. There he was able to provide knowledge of Chaos magic to the defenders and cure Ulrika of a plague spread by the followers of Nurgle.
  • Morris Whitebeard
    A gnome clerk employed by the Merchants Guild in Bogenhafen
  • Oku Runtflayer
    APPEARANCE A dark-skinned creature with bright yellowy-orange eyes and an ugly man-like face topped by a head of shaggy matted black hair which it appears to have greased and an attempt made to arrange in some sort of cocks comb although in practice most of it just hangs limp down it's face.
  • Oliver de Dampierre
    The Bretonnian Steward of Drakenburg Castle. A tall thin man with a scarred face and meticulous dress and manners
  • Otto
    A slightly manic looking individual from 'The Crooked Hammer'
  • Petal Haleberry
    APPEARANCE Halfling serving wench and kitchen girl works at 'The Mermaid Tavern' in Altdorf PERSONALITY Hard-working and cheerful likes to stay out of trouble.
  • Pieter Verstohlen
    A tall thin man in a large broad-brimmed hat and a long frock coat. He looks a bit like a high-class Witch Hunter and carries two flintlock pistols and a rather large knife.
  • Poppy Brandysnap
    The youngest of Molrella's six sisters and one of what Moli calls 'The Flower Girls'. Poppy has a tendency to get over-excited and is a bit 'dipsy' and not particularly intelligent. She has a tendency to survive by looking cute, vulnerable and being charming.
  • Initiate Raina Cronenberg
    Raina is an Initiate at the Shallyan Rotstier Monastery near Buchedorf
  • Sister Roberta Heiler
    Sister Roberta is a Shallyan Sister from the Rotstier Monastery near Buchedorf.
  • Roger Schiffer
    Owner of a river barge on the River Teufel
  • Rudolf Herkenhoff
    Rudi is one of the younger woodsmen living in Herzhald. Not yet married Rudi still has dreams of a better life elsewhere. He is the son of the village blacksmith and whilst his father is gradually teaching him blacksmithing skills Rudi dreams of becoming a knight and seeking glory on the battlefield or rescuing some desperate princess who naturally will fall into his arms.
  • Runhild Heiler
    Old Mother Runhild lives in a small hut on the edge of Herzhald overlooking the forest. She is what is commonly called the village wise woman. Her hut is crammed with all manner of herbs, creams and ointments most of which have no labels and have a wide range of uses. Used much more often by the women and girls of the village than the men Runhild combines the role of healer and counsellor within the village community.
  • Mistress Salina von Midwald
    Salina von Mildwald the 11-year-old daughter of Baron Heirdric and Baroness Theodora
  • Solla Renmann
    Solla Renmann is a relatively young female. She is rather solidly built and has green eyes with tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Solla is that she has very thick straight hair.
  • Strawberry Fudge
    Strawberry is a fair-skinned halfling girl with a mass of blond-hair cascading in ringlets down her back and seems to be constantly struggling to stop herself from giggling. She was employed as a delivery girl by Matilda's Pie Shop Although it has subsequently transpired that this may have been a cover story and she may actually have been working for Gustav Zalse as a spy or professional eaves dropper. However, she was later found floating dead in the River Reik yet another victim of the infamous 'Shorty Slicer' a pattern killer who has been plaguing the halfling population of Altdorf for five or six years.
  • Talisaati Star Gazer
    A tall slim female elf dressed in dark leather armour and wearing a midnight blue hooded cloak decorated with an elven runic border in silver thread. Her skin is pale, her hair is jet black and her eyes are a piercing pale blue. She smells of spice, excitement and danger. Talisaati is a Rion'Kosdar or Star Gazer currently in the employ of The Goldcrest Clan in Altdorf. The Sea Elves employ Star Gazers to act as navigators on their ships as they are able to track ley-lines and magical aura's over long distances
  • Tarragon Burdock
    Tarragon Burdock is one of the elders of the Burdock clan and is the leader of a gang of halflings who work on The Old Docks in Altdorf. Tarragon and his gang can usually be seen busy on the docks in their distinctive green and brown caps and have a reputation for hard work and no questions asked which makes them popular with some of the local merchants. He tends to be quite a cocky individual at least in front of the rest of his mates and likes to make sarcastic remarks especially to members of what he considers to be softies like the Brandysnaps who are not part of his organisation. The Burdocks have built up a solid reputation with the local merchants for providing a quick and effective service particularly in the unloading from goods from Marienburg.
  • The Mistress of Mayhem
    A tall woman with red hair wearing a long red robe and a horned headdress carrying a white staff of office topped by a large red crystal. She is charged with the duty of ensuring that everyone attending the Festag Event in the Dreiecke Platz of Bogenhafen has a good time and is entertaining and could be considered as a sort of Master of Ceremonies. Although she tends to be a bit over-zealous in her role.
  • The Servant Girl
    Her name is Hildburg Bruhns or 'Hildi' for short but nobody ever asks her name. She is just a servant girl.
  • Baroness Kreiger Theodora von Midwald
    Thordora von Midwald, Baroness Kreiger
  • Walter Horney
    A Kornet in the Imperial Outrider Regiment with a distinct lisp and a large red facial birthmark.
  • Wertha Trotz
    APPEARANCE Owner and barkeeper of 'The Mermaid' Tavern in Altdorf. A large bruiser of a man with a full set of facial hair and a varied collection of tattooes. PERSONALITY A tough no-nonsense character with a wry sense of humor well respected by the patrons of 'The Mermaid' few of whom would think of challenging his authority in the tavern. BACKGROUND Former marine in the Imperial Navy used his prize money to buy 'The Mermaid' and runs it like a ship. He Brokes no nonsense from his staff or patrons.
  • Watch Sergeant Wigel Esker
    The Watch Sergeant on duty at the Luitpoldstrase Watch Station in Altdorf.
  • Wolmer Berger
    Duke Konstantin's shipping agents in Bogenhafen


Scheduled Sessions

Thu 7th April 2022 19:00

Session 4: The Altdorf Dragon Hunt

Else and Ferdinand arrive in Altdorf and begin their mission to save the elven Prince. But first they have to find him.

Thu 7th April 2022 19:00

Session 4: The Royal Intern

Prince Amris must relive his captivity at the Goldcrest Manse in Altdorf and organize his own escape.

Mon 7th March 2022 19:00

Session 3: The Goldcrest Conspiracy (3 Month Endeavour)

Sali, Gunnar and Else learn more about the plands of the Goldcrest Clan whilst trying to deal with a malignant magical sword.

Mon 7th February 2022 19:00

Session 3: A Low Profile (3 Month Endeavour Session)

Amris and Moli go into hiding in Altdorf and Moli spends her time winning friends and influencing people.

Sessions Archive

7th Jan 2022

Session 3: Childhood Memories And Awkward Meetings

Else and Ferdinand catch a barge from Bogenhafen and travel back towards Altdorf passing through Ferdiands childhood home on the way.

7th Nov 2021

Session 2: A Delicate Mission

Else and Ferdinand accept a delicate mission from Duke Konstantin and head back towards Altdorf via the plague villages west of the town of Bogenhafen.

1st Sep 2021

Session 1: Shades of Altdorf

In which Sali and Gunnar become embroiled in the street life of Altdorf in an attempt to track down a pattern killer and discover why someone is so keen that Reikland Army is sent away from the city.

Read the Report
29th Jun 2021

Session 1: The Flight Of The Dragon

In which Moli desecrates the shrine of an elven god but becomes a heroine in the process. The Brandysnap family attends a party at The Drakenhof, Moli becomes rich and gives it all away. Amris manages to avoid the Imperial bounty hunters by the skin of his elven teeth and moves into temporary accommodation. Waynn meets a really exciting female elf. Eilwyn gets really angry with him yet again. Moli discovers she has a secret admirer despite kicking him in the nuts and the Brandysnaps head for The Moot.   Meanwhile, Amris' cousin has the worst day of his life and the Goldcrests are forced to consider Plan C.

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7th May 2021

Session 1: The Dragons Lair

In which Else and Ferdinand finally arrive at Castle Drakenburg and learn more of their future destiny in the drama about to unfold.   Ferdinand also discovers the truth about his past and Else discovers she is a much better shot than the Duke.

Read the Report
29th Apr 2021

Session 0: To Catch A Thief

In which Moli manages to negotiate a deal for her unique services with Amris and then scouts out the lie of the land inside the Goldcrest Manse to see if it's feasible to recover the item he wants. Meanwhile, Amris recruit Ehrmann Praunhiem the boatman as a general sidekick and tasks him with keeping an eye on the halfling.   Eilwyn and Waynn appear at The Drakenhof with urgent news for Amris from Illyruis Starsight the Emberfells counselor. It appears that the Goldcrests may be about to swoop on The Drakenhof.

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2nd Mar 2021

Session 0: Kindred Spirits

The Crooked Hammer' is a slightly seedy, rough-looking tavern in the Teubrucke District of Ubersreik.   It's a dark dimly lit place even during daylight and at night the taproom is only lit by a few cheap rushlights and the hearth behind the bar.   Gunnar is sat at a corner table with his back to the wall watching the events across the bar when a Sali walks in.   Sali orders two double shots and two tankards of ale and downs the two shots immediately before Gunnar gets her attention and she decides to join him sitting facing him across the table with her back to the room.   They exchange greeting of a sort and then Gunnar asks "So then..... watcha 'ere fer?"

Read the Report
20th Jan 2021

Session 0: Miles To Go Before We Sleep.

Most of the village of Herzhald turned out to watch Else and Ferdinand depart.   The witch hunter and the unlicensed magic-user are accompanying the draymen from the village to Bogenhafen from where they then plan to head for Weissbruck so that Ferdinand can be reunited with his family.

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2020

Session 0: A Walk In The Woods

After and frantic chase through the woods Else and Ferdinand have met in a small clearing surrounded in darkness and not alone. The first drops of the rain predicted by the strange voice from the darkness earlier has begun to patter on the leaves overhead and the air is still chill.

Read the Report
4th Nov 2020

Session 0: To Catch A Thief - Moli's Story

There was a commotion in the stairwell outside and suddenly the door burst open and Poppy fell into the room in an excited jabbering heap having tripped over hyacinths legs in her haste to be first with the news.   “Come quick!” She screamed “Come and see what’s outside.”   She scrabbled back to her feet waving excitedly and pointing urgently at the door “Quick! Quick! Before the others get it all. It’s so shiny you won’t believe it.“   Molrella frowned she was warm and cosy and enjoying her lie in. “This had better be worth it.” She moaned. But Poppy was already back out the door and Molrella could hear her small hairy feet pounding back down the stairs of the tenement towards the street. The rest of the flower girls, Hyacinth, Buttercup and Dandelion were already fighting to be next through the door to follow her.   Molrella pushed her twin sister Halamina away and got to her feet. “Come on! Mi-Mi we’d better go check this shiny thing out before someone else gets their hands on it.”   Moli and Mi-Mi made their way quickly down the stairs and into the street emerging into a scene of total pandemonium.   There right in the middle of the road was a really tall shiny elf. Moli's was transfixed, she had never seen anything like it. It towered above the mass of children and assorted halflings like a tall slim shiny beacon. Its hair shone like liquid gold, its clothes glistened like burnished silver everything about it was shiny.   Moli’s mouth dropped open ‘What on earth was it doing here?’. Even as she gawked at it she saw one of the Burdock boys nip in and reach for its coin purse. But it was fast witted this one and easily brushed the halfling thief’s hand aside without any apparent effort. Moli watched it fascinated as it strode down the street its eyes and head darting left and right missing nothing and full of nervous agitation. It was like a big shiny bird all nervous energy and colourful plumage. It seemed so calm and serene and yet never seemed to miss anything.   Moli nudged her twin sister ‘Come on Mimi we’d better get in there before one of those Burdocks get lucky.”

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3rd Nov 2020

Session 0: To Catch A Thief - Amris' Story

Since his rescue by Salundra von Drakenburg a few weeks earlier Amris has been in hiding at the families Altdorf Town House. The Duke, Salundra's father, has been more than hospitable to Amris and gone out of his way to make him feel comfortable, but with both of them now away dealing with their own affairs back in the Duchy of Drakenburg, Amris is finding life in hiding very boring.   The worse time is the night when all the human servants go to bed and the house sits in darkness leaving Amris with only the cats for company. At one point he did venture out onto the street against the stern advice of the elderly human watchman guarding the front gate and soon discovered that humans don't like strange elves wandering around in the dark and after a few hostile confrontations he quickly retreated back to the Drakenhof being treated with a stern 'I told you so.' look from the watchman upon his return.   During the daylight hours, things were more interesting and Amris was able to wander around the city with reasonable freedom taking in the sights, sounds and disgusting smells of what humans called civilisation. However, he had been careful to avoid the docks and merchant houses of the city just in case he was recognised by one of his stepfather's associates.   As far as Armis knew his stepfather Alantha Goldcrest, a ruthless Sea Elf Merchant Prince from one of the minor kindreds of Cothique had no idea he was in Altdorf. There had been reports of strange questions being asked in the Duchy of Drakenburg, which was partly why Salundra and her father had decided to leave him in Altdorf and travel there to investigate. His stepfather knew that Salundra had helped him to escape from the Goldcrest Compound in 'Sith Rionnasc'namishathir', Marienburg. So, it made sense that the search for him would begin in Drakenburg. It also seemed logical that eventually, he would find out that the Drakenburg family had other residences and broaden that search. It was just a matter of time.   It was just after sunrise on the 31st day of what the humans call 'Plough-Tide' when Amris was disturbed by one of the house servants reporting that a really tall elf was at the door asking to see him. Amris put down the brush he was using to prepare his hair and wondered if this was it.

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31st Oct 2020

Session 0: A Walk In The Woods - Else's Story

The village was like many along the fringes of the Drakwald just a collection of wooden shacks clustered around a central well. A small community trying to scratch a living from the forest and the few fields they had managed to clear for crops or animals.   But according to the Duke Konstantin this one was being terrorised by a demon and Else knew that such threats once reported would only get worse.   Besides she was glad to get away from the Drakenburg estate. The constant paranoia about elven agents was making her uneasy. Else was not introduced to elven Prince that Salundra had rescued from Marienburg and she wasn't sure whether to be relieved or angry that she had not been included in the reckless adventure.

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30th Oct 2020

Session 0: A Walk In The Woods - Ferdinand's Story

Ferdinand had stumbled across the empty shack in the forest a few days ago and cold and footsore he decided to take a risk and rest up for a few days. He was skirting a village nestled between the forest and the road to Osburg having managed with some difficulty to cross the River Schilder at Schilderheim. The plan was to skirt the village and then hug the edge of the forest as far as Castle Graurenburg before crossing the Bogen and making his way home.   So, far he had avoided even minor settlements and only used the roads when they were empty and quiet. The long walk from Marienburg had made his feet sore but the biggest problem was hunger and that was why he had dallied perhaps longer than prudent at the hut.   It was close enough to the village to make nightly trips to the edge of the forest and like most rural villages they left small offerings to the gods along the treeline to placate evil spirits. Even ale sometimes as long as they didn't spoil it by mixing it with the food.   He had supplemented the offerings with rabbits and other small animals that were easy to kill with a dart and could be cooked after dark provided he hid the light and smoke of the fire.   The woodsmen crowded into the forest during the day felling trees but were easy to avoid. They tended to make a lot of noise, singing and shouting. Nerves perhaps or just a warning to large animals to stay away. So, it wasn't hard to avoid them and though he had been spotted a few times both he and they had run in opposite directions and none had ventured as far as the hut.   The worst incident had been a few days ago. The offerings at the shrines had become sparse and Ferdinand had convinced himself that exchange was no robbery and that if he left the villagers a couple of dead rabbits surely they would not begrudge him a few carrots so he could make a proper stew. Anyway, he was running low on horseshoe nails. The few he had found in the cottage were fast being expended and he needed to find some more otherwise even the rabbits would be impossible to catch.   It had not gone well. He approached the vegetable garden closest to the forest and dropped the rabbit at his feet to pull a few carrots when the door of the cottage suddenly flew open and an old woman stepped out into the night. He froze, hoping she would be half asleep and not notice him. But that was not to be.   The old woman spotted him crouching in her vegetable patch and she froze also. They stared at each other for what seemed like an age neither saying anything. Ferdinand couldn't think of anything to say at the time. He felt like a child caught with his hand in the cookie barrel Eventually, he stood up slowly carrots in one hand and staff in the other gave the woman a slight bow and walked away back to the woods leaving the rabbit behind.   It was now late afternoon the sun was setting and there was a chill wind from the south. The carrots were eaten and he was still short of nails.

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25th Oct 2020

Session 0: Kindred Spirits - Sali's Story

Salundra von Drakenburg had returned her horse to the livery stable just before dusk after an earlier awkward liaison and had then made her way through the darkening streets of Ubersreik towards the docks where she planned to catch a river barge back to Altdorf.   The barge was not ready to leave and was still loading cargo so she decided to grab a quick drink at 'The Crooked Hammer' before boarding. The tavern was one of the seedier establishments in the Teubrucke District of Ubersreik and had a poor reputation.   Salundra flung open the door and paused to let her eyes adjust to the dimly lit interior before stepping inside and slamming the door behind her. The taproom was only lit by a few rush-light candles and the faint glow of the fire in the hearth.   She made her way over to the bar where the tavern keeper, a rather large battle-scarred individual, eyed her attire suspiciously 'What'll it be Captain." he asked. A slight challenge in his manner.

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25th Oct 2020

Session 0: Kindred Spirits - Gunnar's Story

The Crooked Hammer' was a slightly seedy, rough-looking tavern in the Teubrucke District of Ubersreik. It is a dark dimly lit place even during daylight and at night the taproom is only lit by a few cheap rushlights and the hearth behind the bar. Gunnar is sat at his usual table in the darkest corner of the room nursing a tankard of cheap watery ale. He had chosen this tavern and table because it was so dark and quiet. Nobody usually bothered him here now.   He had been lured here by stories of a monster. Tall tales from the river folk along the Teufel of a large river troll lurking around the docks of Ubersreik and preying on unwary boatmen and stevedores. But Gunnar had been here for days now and no monster had shown itself and the trail had eventually gone cold.   Now he was running low of cash and this would be his last tankard of ale tonight. Gunnar sat in the dark cupped his tankard and contemplated his fate.

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Salundra von Drakenburg the daughter of Duke Konstantine von Drakenburg a minor noble of the Reikland pushes her way through the crowded Ubersreik Marktplatz market heading for the bridge over the river Teufel and The Bridge House Inn where she plans to take lodgings during her stay.   Her company alighted from the Four Season coach just south of the Marktplatz when it became obvious to them that it would be quicker to walk than to wait for it to push it' way through the crowds to the bridge. They were all hungry after their journey and the strong smell of street food was another incentive to get out and walk.   The plan was simple, get some breakfast and having freshened up after the journey from Drakenburg, Salundra would make her way to Black Rock and pay her respects to Lady Nacht and General von Dabernick who have been the de facto rulers of Ubersreik since Graf Sigismund von Jungfreud and his family were removed from power by the Emperor.   This is the main purpose of her visit to the town in that her father wishes her to explore how the removal of the von Jungfreud family from power has affected the city and who the Drakenburg family need to influence to make the most of any opportunities that might arise. Not to mention who they might need to distance themselves from as a result of the new order.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Amris Emberfell

Else Sigloben

Ferdinand Gruber

Molrella Brandysnap

Salundra von Drakenburg

Gunnar Hrolfsson