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Session III Report

General Summary

The four adventures started this session in the crypts under Tresendar Manor  Starting in the cellar room they moved to the Tresendar crypts disabling a pit trap along the way. The Tresendar crypt contained tree sarcophagus protected by tree undead guardians who attacked Uffe as he reached for the exiting door. After a shot scuffle the adventures defeated the guardians and searched the room. Some investigation lead to the conclusion that this was the crypt of the Tresendar lineage as the walls contained a mural of the family tree. After significant efforts from Uffe, he managed to bust open each sarcophagus and retrieved several platinum signets rings from the contained mummies. As Flemming was investigating the exiting door, Uffe opened the connecting door to the slave pen/prison. In this room two Redbrand members waited in ambush and pulled Uffe in the room and locked him in a prison cell. After another scuffle Flemming put himself and the two rebrand guards to sleep with some well timed magic. Milo was quick to execute one guard while also gagging and tying the guard for questioning.  Gaydar lead the questioning but was assaulted by the guard as he untied the rope knot. Both Milo and Uffe was fast to save Gaydar from a beating and they decided to simply kill the Redbrand guard and take no prisoners.  In the slave pens the adventures also found Mirna Dendrar and her two children. Her oldest son was unfortunately dead but Uffe lead Mirna and her young daughter past the pit trap and instructed her in telling Halia Thornton and Elmar Barthen what was going on in the crypts.   Pressing on the adventures found the Redbrand armoury and a adjacent secret door leading into a connecting cave system. This large cave was divided in two by a large crevasse where each side was connected by two hanging bridges. The adventures took no chances and secured themselves as they passed the bridge.  While passing the bridge Gaydar receive a telepathic message from an entity named Steelix , telling him to leave his shiny magic stone on the bridge.   On the other side of the crevasse the adventures followed a path leading to an alchemical laboratory. This lab was well equipped and still in use. After searching the place the adventures found a significant notebook referring to Phandelve's Pact . Realising that Glasstaff  was most likely aware of their presence the adventures bursted into the connecting room. This was Glasstaff's quarters and it seemed that they were too late as a secret door in the opposite end of the room was left open.  The adventures took their time to search the room and found a Letter to Glasstafs left on the desk as well as his private chest under the bed which contained several treasures.    Hoping to catch Glassstaff, the adventures took of running towards the main entrance of the crypt. Arriving in the cellar room where they started they found a leather bag pulled from the cistern and a broken vial next to it. Additionally, they also found a secret door connecting the room with cave. Thinking that Glasstaff must have fled back into the cave system, the adventures followed this lead. They arrived at the crevasse and ran over a connecting bridge, leading them to a room occupied with two bugbears currently demoralising a goblin. Following some unlucky lying, Uffe ended op cutting the bridge and sending one bugbear into the crevasse. On the other side of the crevasse, Flemming was grappled by the remaining bugbear who decided to throw Flemming into the crevasse. Quick thinking by Uffe and sheer luck resulted in Flemming catching a flying rope, saving him from certain death. The last bugber was hurled down as he tried to flee the scene.    The Adventures befriended the Goblin Droop who provided information of the cave system and followed them afterward.    Determined to find Glasstaff, the adventures search the remaining rooms of the crypt. They realised that one room remained untouched and based on Droop's information this must be where the majority of the Redbrand Gang is located. Before executing their plan, Milo went on a recon mission to see where an unexplored tunnel ended. Milo found that there was another entrance to the crypt possibly somewhere outside the city limits and that this entrance was guarded by several Redbrands. Returning to their plan, The adventures thought long and hard to devise a plan to kill all gang members at once and so they decided to send Flemming in. Flemming found that the remaining room was more like a pub with several drunk gang members hanging out, all seemingly unaware of the troubles in the cave. The adventures quickly abandoned the plan and decided to leave the crypt and investigate what was in the satchel. Flemming quickly found that the broken vial contained a potion of invisibility. Intrigued and discouraged by the consequences of this, the adventures thought to investigate the strange telepathic voice only Gaydar had heard earlier. However, upon arriving at the crevasse the adventures found several Redbrands leaving the pub and the adventures consequently fled the scene out into the warm air on a late summer night.

Missions/Quests Completed

Kill Glasstaff  Find Iarno  Dead woodcarver

Character(s) interacted with

Droop   Steelix Mirna Dendrar

Created Content

Letter to Glasstafs  Phandelve's Pact

Lost Mines of Phandelver
Report Date
19 Nov 2019
Primary Location
Tresendar Manor
Secondary Location

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