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Session IV Report

General Summary

The Four adventures started this session just outside the Tresendar Manor.   The adventures decided to go back into the manor to extract weapons from the Redbrand armoury. Doing so the adventures surprised four ruffians searching the armoury. After a short scuffle the adventures managed to kill one ruffian and the three others fled the scene with their dead companion. The adventures collected the weapons as well as the corpse of Mirna Dendrar's son Liam and made a run for the manor exit. In the cellar entrance the adventures caught three ruffians searching the leather satchel left by Glasstaff . The adventures quickly killed the leading ruffian and eventually killed the remaining two bandits. In an ambitious attempt to search the dead ruffians for valuables Milo was shot in the back by a ruffian which was subsequently killed in a joint effort from Uffe and Milo. After this the adventures decided to take no more chances and flee the manor with a big stack of weapons and the body of Liam Dendrar.    Outside the manor the adventures meet a group of townsfolk equipped with pitchforks and makeshift weapons. The mob was lead by Halia Thornton donned in full plate armour and willing to kill of the Redbrand. Uffe handed the weapons to the mob and the adventures brought the body of Liam to Halia's manor where Mirna was staying the night.    The next day the adventures was greeted by Sildar Hallwinter in the tavern. Sildar Hallwinter was sitting together with and elderly man named Daren Edermath. Nervous that Sildar Hallwinter is in cahoots with Glasstaff the adventures started to question Sildar's motives. The learned that Sildar is a member of the The Lord's Alliance as is Iarno Albrek. Besides this, Sildar also reviled that Iarno is a trained alchemist and mage but besides this Sildar did not know anything that could explain Iarno's motives to act as a leader for the Redbrand organisation. Sildar was also unaware of who could have sent the Letter to Glasstafs. Sildar was however determined to capture Iarno and bring him to justice and he would see if he can gather information of the whereabouts of Iarno and the unnamed sender of the letter to Glasstaff.      After this discussion, Sildar introduced Daren Edermath as an old adventurer living his retirement in PhandalinPhandalin. Daren said that he know of a druid who knows the land better than anyone, and that he would likely know the location of Crackmaw Castle where Gundren Rockseeker is thought to be held captive. The druid is called Reidoth and lives near the abandoned village of Thundertree (Reidoth the Know-it-All). Besides this, Daren also shared the information that someone is digging at the ruins of The Old Owl Well in the hills northeast of Phandalin. And more importantly, that prospectors have been chased away from this location by undead.  After some bargaining, the adventures negotiated that Sildar will supply them with each a horse and adventuring equipment to pursue the druid rumour. If they find the location of Crackmaw Castle the horses are theirs to keep.   After the conversation with Sildar and Daren, the adventures sought to talk to Halia at her shop Phandalin Miner's Exchange. The adventures found that Halia was not at work and the sought her out at her manor. Before this, Flemming wanted to sell the signet ring he stole from the crypts of Tresendar Manor. Confronted with his grave robbery of the beloved Tresendar family (Tresendar Lore) the shop clerk took the signet and banned Flemming from ever entering the shop again.  At Halia's manor the adventures found that she was sleeping in after the battle, but that she was in good spirits.   After this, the adventures spilt paths to take care of each their business; Uffe went back to the tavern for a relaxing session, Gaydar and Flemming went to Barthens to buy supplies while Milo went to the Phandalin Church of Lathander the Morning lord. At the church, Milo was confronted with Mirna Dendrar mourning her son. Mirna explained her gratitude to the adventures and offered her family's heirloom as reward for their heroism (Mirna's Heirloom). She also explained that the heirloom can be found where Mirna and her family used to live in the town of Thundertree before the settlement was laid to waste.      Contemplating all this information over breakfast, the adventures decided to go north the next day, towards Neverwinter Woods in search for the lost settlement of Thundertree and the druid Reidoth.

Missions/Quests Completed

Mirna's Heirloom The Old Owl Well

Character(s) interacted with

Mirna Dendrar  Halia Thornton Daren Edermath

Created Content

The Order of the Gauntlet Tresendar Lore Reidoth the Know-it-All

Lost Mines of Phandelver


Level 3 Half-elf Warlock
/ 27 HP

Flemming Flash

Level 4 Human Variant CN Wizard
/ 19 HP
Report Date
07 Dec 2019
Primary Location

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