Session 3: Night at the Casino Report

General Summary

After ariving in the city of Mantle, Kiwi left to go deal with some business in his old home. Cookies ran into an old friend named Edmund Fitsking at a bar in the Umber, the shady part of Mantle. They got to talking and after many drinks he decided to join their crew. While looking for work they swindle the location of a treasure map from an old idiot and then proceeded to start a bar fight. After Narcissa Tempest defused the situation with an unexpected make out session, the crew escaped the chaos, and made their way to the Black Moon Casion, where they knew the treasure map was located, in the hands of a man name Ace Smiley.   They entered the casino, gambled, and drank as they search for Ace. They found him at a card table and after a failed attempt of stealing the map, the crew was tricked into a meeting with smiley, that turned out to be a trap. They were put sleep with gas, but Edmund managed to escape and chased after the butler, Henry, who led them their. Meanwhile Cookies101 Thee Third  stayed behind and eventually went to look for his companions. He and Edmund met up and went to search for Narcissa and Cleo.   While being interrogated Cleo Cuntiferous  was nearly beat to death, but Narcissa used a spell to make Smiley's henchman, Brutus, leave to go betray him, but in the ensuing chaos, Cleo was shot and was beginning to bleed out. Eventually, Cookies and Edmund threw in some of the sleeping gas they extracted from the Casino, putting Smiley to sleep. Cookies healed Cleo and woke everyone. They decided to kill Smiley, and escape through the window as the guards were searching for them. They extracted the map from the vault where smiley had kept it, and left the Casino into the early morning of the Mantle city streets.

Rewards Granted

100 gold & a treasure map

Character(s) interacted with

Ace Smiley   Brutus   Gamsey Thibb   Henry

The Heroes and Villians of Mora

Narcissa Tempest

Chaotic Neutral Human (Urchin)
Paladin 1
18 / 18 HP
Report Date
30 Dec 2023
Primary Location

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