2023-03-23 Attack on Myth Drannor 5 Report

General Summary

The team headed upstairs first where they found a room that was occupied by a slew of lizardment constructing a large wooden structure, about 90ft accross and pitched to black. It stood about 6 feet off the ground on 3 spindly legs and rose an another 25ft. Along the length of the structure is beveld both top and bottom creating a leading edge mid point of it's height. The project was bieng overseen by a stange large hippo-man and there was a lute being strumed from somewhere above.
The fight started immediately, with the Lizardmen jumping to action tumbling through the teams guard and trying to wrestle Bowyn. The hippo-man had a strange metal weapon that spewed smoke and split the air with it's noise. Erebus used his sword of darkness to whittle away at the hippo-man. The Bard that was hiding above dropped spells on the crew, hiding invisiably, but KT chased her down and ended her.

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