2023-03-16 - Attack on Myth Drannor 4 Report

General Summary

Short game today
The team continued their fighting of Jett on the stairs heading up, w/ Jett and Erebus trading quips and ineffective blows while the pile of enlarged party members fought shadows in the door. Joquine managed to drop a Deathward spell on Gaeika, but the shadows ganged up on KT and Bowyn and managed to drop the latter. Thinking fast Gaeika heaved Bowyn's body back to Coraline who dropped the Healing hammer on the soon to be nascent shadow while Malanath showed KT how to deal with undead.

Jett seeing his backup starting to dissipate took to hiding in the forge room, transposing himself w/ one of the undead in the forge. Erebus' sharp eyes did catch him hiding and he lit him up w/ some Glitterdust making it real difficult for him to hide at all. Jett did manage to take away KT's enalrge, but KT having had enough split the poor sod in half and cleaving half the stone dais he was standing on with him.

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