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Session 7: The chase

General Summary

As our adventurers continued, they headed towards an old two story windmill which had been converted into a habitat for various people. They expected to find a necromancer but instead they found two of his apprentices and a lot of poor commoners who had no better place to go. After a while of talking with the apprentices and the brutal murder of one of them, the party were pointed towards an old store called Dandymops. This store was a front for the Necromancer and instead the party was interested in what lay below. Below the surface were sewers which led to the Necromancer's hideout. Luckily the party had a map one of the apprentices had drawn for them, so it was easy to navigate to the hideout.   When the party reached the hideout it was already under Xanathar’s attack. A few kenkus slayed the necromancer and his skeletons while the party watched. One of the kenkus retrieved the stone of golorr from the Necromancer. The party noticed this and began to chase the kenku.   After a quick skirmish the chase was on, while Kargath decided to stay in the hideout and was busy admiring and searching through any invaluables in the hideout. At the same time the chase was Lead by Shump who drank some dragon’s blood to give him a bit of a boost, followed by Kara. The party ran through the streets of Waterdeep which were booming with people celebrating Trolltide. After a while the quarry slipped into an old Watchtower and took a child hostage. After being cornered by Shump the Kenku did what it thought to be the best option to save his own life and tossed the stone out of the tower's slit to the alley behind the tower. What happens next is to be seen.  

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Caiyra Ararieth

Level 2 Elf (dark) Chaotic Neutral Rogue
(Urban Bounty Hunter)
/ 15 HP

Tolm of Engar

Report Date
28 Dec 2020

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