Session 4: A Sticky Situation Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 4: A Sticky Situation

General Summary

Our adventurers and scoundrels climb the ladder out of the sewers and assess their next move. With the heavy rain, it's difficult to get a strong scent. Victor Von Romanov provides his slime essence samples to Cloud and Yani, Cloud identifies the green slime as a rotten egg smell, and Yani recognizes the taste of blood in her mouth from the white slime. The party then takes a short rest by enjoying pretzels, hot and cold beer, and shwarma sliced directly off a spindle roasted boar.    Fresh and rotten meat is purchased as bait, while Victor has the ring from Lady Aliester identified by a street merchant as A Band of Unwaivering Loyalty. After this, a brief search in the market district reveals a white coated large dog, with spikes down its spine, capable of breathing fire. After discussion about how much the council actually knows, it is decided to leave the dog be, with food and shelter, likely to retrieve later. A silvery grey slime is found attempting to melt its way into a bank and is promply shattered into a thousand tiny crystaline pieces.    As it is late in the day, the party decides to retreat to the quarters in the capitol building for the night. The completed bounties are turned in, resulting in a profit of 60 gold pieces. After a brief discussion with Victor, Cloud goes to bed. She is ambushed by one of the guards who smells vaguely sulferic, and a combat breaks loose in the halls. An Oblex has taken residence in the armory and is attempting to trap party members in their rooms where it can devour their memories one by one. Sensing life threatening danger, Victor jumps out a window. Cloud defends Jey, and then barges into the armory delivering the final blow, along with the line "No more takin' my memories!"

Rewards Granted

60 GP

Missions/Quests Completed

Turned in bounties for slime, and three rats

The Bastards 2: Electric Boogaloo
Report Date
10 Jun 2024

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