Session 3 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 3 Report

General Summary

The Council Meeting

Our favorite bastards attend their summoned council meeting. Killyn Alliester, a pregnant elven woman is shouting in the chamber. "House Claeo has no right to the river ports and must pay their dues!" Dal Cleao, a half orc with incredible pointy ears and silvery white skin stands up and shouts back "If House Alliester wants the river ports then you can bend over and kiss my ass!" The elderly human Speaker clears his throat, summoning the attention to the adventurers in the room. Killyn addresses the group as a bunch of trouble makers, and expresses specific disappointment in Victor. After some heated back and forth conversation, it is revealed the monsters that were freed during the scuffle in the Miricle Market are roaming the city causing chaos. The council wishes to handle the matter quickly and quietly as the Festival of Unity is in full swing. Some haggling occurs and the party is promised the following:
  • 15gp per monster head
  • Unbridled access to the city's armory
  • Lodging for each member for the next few days
  • Victor is given a Ring of Cursed Loyalty by Lady Alliester


After finding weapons and lodging, brief introductions occur. Cloud reveals to the full party she is from the Feywilds, and this sparks the interest of a select few. She also is informed her name is sacrildge, but refuses to adopt a new moniker. Jey reveals he has experience as a sailor, and is most useful as a spellcaster. Tiasalle demonstrates his subtle divine magic, and Ivan insists he is also magical but provides no proof context. Instead he describes himself as an artisan and Tiasalle as his body guard (a fact odd to all familiar with the Kithean Republic's crime rate). Victor introduces himself as a doctor with some magical capabilities. Yani reveals she works with hemomantic magic, which should have surprised everyone, but Ivan was alarming cool about it. After introductions, Victor approaches Jey, and requests that if during the mission, should he (Victor) pass away, Jey would decapitate his corpse. The conversation grew loud, Jey declined the request, and Victor approached Tiasalle, who accepted, assuring Victor he would be dead and decpaitated at the same time. Victor attempts impromptu surgery on Ivan's ear, removing most of the congealed flesh, but causing small harm in the process.

The Rat Hunt

Yani, the party member most experienced in monster hunting leads the charge, following the smell of rot and shifting all the way to the sewer. After bending the grates open, the party follows the long tunnels into the vile depths. Cloud gives a swarm of infected rates 5 goodberries. The party enters into a large chamber, filled with the stench of the rodents.  Turning the corner, several members of the party are ambushed with bites, slashes, and bolts from a variety of ways. Given the first opprotunity, the human sized rates vanished back into the darkness. After a seeming eternity, the party finally slays the rats, decapitates them, and moves towards the exit. Victor remembers seeing inside the monster trader's tent three rats, a pair of land octopi, a handful of snakes, and a large dog. This information is definetly not forshadowing.

Rewards Granted

Promised 15gp per monster head, not yet retrieved

Missions/Quests Completed

Monster Hunting in Valor, still a WIP.

Character(s) interacted with

The full council: Killyn Alliester, Dal Cleao, Salire Ratburn,  Avis Dapheny, Elkyan Sysko, Gariddan Sloan, Tyr Martinkus, and The Speaker.

The Bastards 2: Electric Boogaloo
Report Date
01 Jun 2024

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