Session 5 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5 Report

General Summary

The party sleeps peacefully through the night, with no further complications. In the morning, they eat breakfast and turn in the oblex bounty to Lady Aliester. She docks the pay by three gold on account for the window being broken. Cloud angrily states this is against the rules, the two get into a verbal spat, and Lady Aliester removes the Ring of Unwaivering Loyalty from Victor and goes to place it on Cloud's hand, as means of punishment. Jey intervenes, casting friends on Lady Aliester. Before the effect wears off, the bastards all leave the capitol building post haste.    After some searching around for octopi, but with no luck, some members decide to head to library to research their current mark. An article about Illithids comes up, describing them as squid faced people who worship a big brain. The only other information is these creatures are native to the underdark. Meanwhile, some shopping occurs. While Victor cries over how expensive spell scrolls are, Jey purchases a unidentified (yet) magic ruby. While trying to figure out the best way to get as deep underground as possible, Victor mentions he has secret access to the catacombs, in a small meat shed behind Aliester Manor. Upon arrival, they find Victor's lab equipment dumped in the back, but gain access to the tomb easily.    There is some smattering of fresh blood around the disection area, but otherwise the room apears untouched.  In the alter room, Yani places a strone doll at the foot of Oan's alter. Tiasalle places one to the foot of Mirembe, and Cloud, blindly following suit, places a dool at the foot of Claud's alter.  There is a coffin in the next room, chained up, blood seeping out. Victor insists it isn't a problem and the other members of the party begrudgingly drop the issue. Deeper in the catacombs, they find a few missing skeletons, some disheveled sarcophogi, and a secret room containing some items.  At the very bottom, they find a sarcophogus displaced entirely, and a large hole to the cave system below.  In this cave they find the body of a House Sloan spy, as well as a skeleton with a squid for a head. This is of course a Mind Flayer.  It screams in the players brains about wanting to go home, before stunning two members. Yani binds it in place using fucked up blood magic, while Victor takes cover, and Ivan charges forward. Unable to espace, the Illithid attempts to dominate Ivan's mind, but after shaking the effect, Ivan and Yani make quick work of the fragile monster. While looting, the party finds a brain in a jar, and decides to keep it as a pet.

Rewards Granted

•72 gp collected •Broach of Shielding •Cloak of Many Fashions •Half-Plate Armor •Smoldering Half-Plate Armor •Mace •35 gp of Ruby •35 gp of Emerald •10 gp of Diamond

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed the Monster Hunt quest. Now must turn in final bounty

The Bastards 2: Electric Boogaloo
Report Date
19 Jun 2024

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