Coia Portal Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of Coia
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Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 20th November 2023 19:00

Coia: 47 - The End of the End

Mon 13th November 2023 17:00

Coia: 46 - The Beginning of the End

We make it to Mephisto's lair, and he's not super happy with us.

Mon 6th November 2023 21:00

Coia: 45 - Three Doors Down

Exploring the castle further, we find another portal and make our way through a series of test rooms.

Mon 30th October 2023 19:00

Coia: 44 - But Wait, There's More... Portals

We discover that while we thought the end was in sight, there are more portals than we knew about. Traveling to the Shadowfell, we begin the end.

Mon 23rd October 2023 19:00

Coia: 43 - Reading the Compass

The group follows the compass to find the final portal so they can destroy it on the material plane.

Mon 16th October 2023 17:00

Coia: 42 - Hungry, Hungry, Hamsters

With the Amulet of the Planes almost fixed, some of the Vanguard need to get one final ingredient from some kleptomaniac hamsters.

Mon 9th October 2023 17:00

Coia: 41 - Brother Can You Spare a Dime?

Mon 2nd October 2023 16:00

Coia: 40 - Librarians Are Always a Little Weird

Mon 25th September 2023 17:00

Coia: We Just Need a Little Catnap

Mon 18th September 2023 12:00

Coia: The Revenge on the Abishai

Mon 11th September 2023 12:00

Coia: Coming Back To Life

Mon 26th June 2023 18:00

Coia: 36 - Through the Looking Glass

Mon 19th June 2023 19:30

Coia: 35 - Checking the Length of Your Rod

Solving the elementary puzzles brings new challenges as the Rod of Rulership slips through our grasp

Mon 12th June 2023 18:00

Coia: 34 - Closer to the Heart

Arriving in Coia, the Vanguard finds a corrupt Lord Lee, and a puzzle among the catacombs beneath the cathedral

Mon 5th June 2023 18:00

Coia: 33 - Tying Up Loose Ends

Resting for a bit on their journey to Coia, the Vanguard bonds and becomes closer with each other.

Mon 29th May 2023 17:00

Coia: 32 - The Third Dragon Falls

The Vanguard finishes off the last of the trio of dragons that had been terrorizing Coia

Sun 21st May 2023 12:00

Coia: 31 - Feel the Heat

After helping clean up Herthe, the Vanguard begins travel to Coia, only to be sidelined by an old enemy

Mon 15th May 2023 2:00

Coia: 30 - The Third Spire Falls

Beneath the church, the Vanguard find and destroy the third of the five portals

Mon 8th May 2023 21:00

Coia: 29 - Strangeness in the Night

Knowing they need to rest up before battling whatever's in the church, the Vanguard have a more eventful night than they'd like.

Mon 1st May 2023 15:15

Coia: 28 - Take Me to Church

Finding Herthe overrun with ghosts, we come across an old church that may be the source of the desolate town

Mon 24th April 2023 16:00

Coia: 27 - Fairytale Vengeance

Turns out, killing one third of a dragon triad just pisses off the others. Herthe isn't nearly the party town we thought it would be.

Mon 17th April 2023 20:00

Coia: 26 - A Serious Game of Whack-a-Vrock

Traveling to Herthe, the caravan comes under attack.

Mon 10th April 2023 19:00

Coia: 25 - Scientists Can be Real Jerks

We meet the man behind the tower. He's a jerk.

Mon 3rd April 2023 13:00

Coia: 24 - Master of Puppets

Continuing through the tower, things get even weirder.

Mon 27th March 2023 21:00

Coia: 23 - Why are you Hitting Yourself?

After waking up to a quiet town, we travel to a tower in a forest for answers.

Mon 20th March 2023 20:00

Coia: 22 - Fire in the Hole

The blue dragon returns

Mon 13th March 2023 20:00

Coia: 21 - Coming in Through the Back Door

We find the dragon's lair and set a trap.

Mon 6th March 2023 19:00

Coia: 20 - Goodbye Moosey, Hello Lucy

Moose leaves the group while Lucian joins us as we attempt to help Gerhart discover wha't happening to his hometown.

Mon 27th February 2023 19:00

Coia: 19 - The Bards are Back in Town

We find ourselves teleported by a tree to a small village being that's terrorized by a group of were-bards.

Wed 15th February 2023 18:00

Coia: 18 - Lenore Learns More

Finding Soren Lorenson, Nym discovers the truth about his past and must confront his destiny.

Wed 8th February 2023 18:00

Coia: 17 - Puzzling Our Way Through

The Red Cloaks lair is filled with puzzles designed to keep out all the the most intrepid explorers. What will we find if we reach the top?

Wed 25th January 2023 17:00

Coia: 16 - Seeing Red

Recovering from the in-group hostilities at the cabin, the group learns that the Red Cloaks may be hanging our at a warehouse by the docks.

Wed 18th January 2023 15:00

Coia: 15 - A Cabin in the Woods

Chasing a thief into the woods, the group comes across a mysterious cabin. Finding themselves trapped inside, the group turn on each other as they try to escape.

Wed 21st December 2022 20:00

Coia: 14 - Deja Vu All Over Again

In another epic sea battle aboard the Horizon Reacher, the group defends the innocent to make it safely to Aveton.

Tue 22nd November 2022 19:00

Coia: 13 - A Three Day Tour

After a day of shopping, we agree to escort the princess to Aveton. Back aboard the Horizon Reacher, things take their usual turn of events

Wed 16th November 2022 19:00

Coia: 12 - Out For Blood

Spending the night in Tetbury, the group stumbles across a sinister plot byt a group of vampires to take over the town.

Wed 2nd November 2022 17:45

Coia: 11 - Plunging the Shitter

Wed 19th October 2022 14:00

Coia: 10 - Zen and the Art of Lavatory Maintenance

Mon 3rd October 2022 19:00

Coia: 09 - Shimmering Fountains of Information

Yaldra fills us in.

Sat 24th September 2022 16:00

Coia: 08 - Books and Libraries and Knowledge, Oh My!

Arriving at Candlekeep, we meet Jayson Boothebarrel who helps us get inside. While waiting for our book we get trapped inside an interdimensional mansion for a little bit.

Tue 13th September 2022 13:00

Coia: 07 - An Encounter in Calimport

Re-stocking in Calimport, we learn more about the red-cloaks plans and about a plot to enslave the Drow. After making it to Tetbury, we meet Yaldra who sends us on a quest for a book.

Sun 21st August 2022 19:00

Coia: 06 - A Bigger Boat - Part Deux

Battling succubi and red-caps aboard the Horizon Reacher, the group bands together and keeps the ship afloat til they reach Calimport.

Thu 21st July 2022 0:00

Coia: 05 - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Sent to Tetbury to learn more from the librarian, the group boards the Horizon Reacher and begins their three-day journey. The sail will have more that a few surprises in store for them,

Wed 20th July 2022 16:00

Coia: 04 - Something's Rotten in the state of Berekso

After destroying some demons who's been terrorizing Beresko, the group discovers that they may have stumbled upon a sinister force that threatens the entire continent.

Tue 5th July 2022 11:00

Coia: 03 - When Your Plans go up in Flames

After destroying the first portal, the group travels to Beresko in search of a book for Nicodemus. The king assigns them an important mission. The book is discovered.

Tue 21st June 2022 19:00

Coia: 02 - Peeking In Portals

Tracking the residents of Altherstab we come across a portal to the Shadowfell. Freeing them involves a trip to the other side where we meet a dangerous enemy.

Sessions Archive

22nd Apr 2022

Coia: 01 - A Rude Awakening

Our adventure begins! The party wake to find themselves in cages, unsure of how they got there or who each other are. They break free and find their way to Altherstab where it seems that a goblin horde attacked the village and made off with the inhabitants.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Leto Black

Jayson Boothebarrel

Sszardan T'Sarran



Mithac Fezim


Garus Silenus

Emis Faralei

Pelonious Pomp


Nym Lenore

Moose Knuckle