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Terris Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Aerofell
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Supporting Cast
  • Eztuis
    a mysterious figure that claims to be a cleric, knowing how to heal the mysterious fever that a pc's parents are ailed with. at a price
  • Harris Thornewood
    a rather bumbling detective dead set on uncovering the truth behind the disappearances
  • Louella Hartweaver
    a seemingly calm and collected mage who specializes in biology. they study life and prod it a little in the hopes of developing stronger potions and medicine to aid others in the future. they're also the mother of a young son who also wants to help. they seem to be grieving a little over the disappearance of her husband and daughter. they've gained immense respect from the council and other mages due to their many scientific breakthroughs and discoveries and have a labyrinth of knowledge.
  • Syndra Ravenelis
    an unorganized, brainy, squishy little mage with a few hidden talents. she is quite well known as a mage and is relatively liked.
  • Ted 'Teddy' Hartweaver
    the kid son of Dr. Louella Hartweaver. although young and naive, they seem to already know about some of the stuff their parent knows. they want to grow up to be smart and strong just like their mommy!

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 1st June 2021 2:00

Session 1: Strange happenings and new beginnings!

After being hired by the Union-of-Swords as Freelancers. The party is grouped together and is hired to help investigate or guard a detective, trying to find out why several people have vanished.

This story is told by