The Road to the Island cover

40 The Road to the Island cover

Created : 13th April 2008 Render Engine : Vue 7 Notes : The tower is from the Fairytale Castle at DAZ, the horse is the Millenium one from DAZ, the wall is an item from Cornucopia by Dark Anvil and the vegetation is mixed and matched from various Cornucopia sources too numerous to list here. There are other items I should strictly credit as well but as in the final analyis these all ended up in heavy shadow or silhouette I'd be doing the vendors no favours to mention them!   My first posting for a little while - trying for some mixed lighting effects - a couple of subtle adjustments in photoshop but pretty much the original render as it came out of Vue.

The Discontinuum
Original Title
The Road to the Island
DMFW with Vue


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