Gone and Never Forgotten

Elder Sister,
  I have found your body, and I am haunted by how this could have happened to you. I have failed you and our people. Your existence was irreplaceable, and the wound your passing leaves behind is one that will never heal. I promise you, I will never allow myself to forget. I will carry the loss of your life with me for all eternity, beyond the reach of gods or devils, holding on to the memories we shared.
  You were the last person who shared my blood. Now, I am truly the last of our kind. You were meant to be there as I achieved everything Mother envisioned. But know this: nothing will deter me. I am changing, becoming colder, and I believe it is necessary. When we meet again, I hope you will not judge the person I have become.
  Pyramus told me she will mourn you for 90 days, alongside our people—those who loved you and, through you, learned to love me. For that, you have my deepest gratitude. Without you, the world might have seen me as a tyrant. But you were so elegant, your words and charisma undeniable. You inherited that from Mother.
  Sister, I understand now what you meant by great achievement being born through great sacrifice. Your love for me was not just about happiness but also the willingness to sacrifice. I will honor that. In every moment of adversity, I will remember you.

The Kingdom Era


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