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Peak Fiction

Here's some cool lore that you would only know if you clicked on the image.
  Depending on how far back in Jon Lore you wanna go, Sonic and the Black Knight is the reason Oniran exists. This scene in particular is actual peak fiction and is one of the greatest depictions of Sonic's character of our time. I could literally go on for like an hour uninterrupted.
  Would you believe me if I told you that he's technically the villain? That he's actually fighting for the end of the world? That moments before this shot he was mercilessly beaten into the ground, told to flee, and he responds by getting up and saying "It was never about Chivalry for me, I just gotta do what I gotta do, that's all!"? That there is a solid debate to be had on whether the song for the final boss, a song about the morals of letting a world end or ensuring that it goes on forever and the singer's declaration that no matter the decision they'll be there to face you at the end of it all, is from Sonic's perspective or the villain's? Perhaps even that it's both?
  Bet you wouldn't. Do yourself a favor and listen to this shit.



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