Guide to your user profile

Your user profile is where others can see your displayed account information, such as your username and profile picture! This is also where others can see your articles, worlds, manuscripts and other content that you wish to display.


How to access your user profile


To access your user profile you need to:

  1. Click on your circular avatar icon on the top right of your screen.
  2. Click on the View Profile option.


User profile page


On your profile page, you can see your profile picture on the left along with your guild tier, username, registration date, number of followers, the total amount of views you have on your pages as well as the total amount of likes.


If you're visiting someone else's profile, you can also find the ''follow'' button to follow their account!




The Home tab shows your status updates and journal entries and your custom profile information. You can make new posts such as status updates and journal entries from here as well. A post can be a:

  • User profile post. You can write anything you want to share on your profile page such as your status updates! You can use simple text with no formatting options and you have a limit of 128 characters for each post.
  • Journal entry. Click the ''Make it a journal entry'' button. This way you can add a title above, then make a long post that has BBcode Enabled. This will allow you to link to your articles or show additional images.
  • Global postGuild-only. Click on the checkbox to make your post global. You need to spend 500 Anvil coins to post globally on the dashboard.

For more about global posts, check out:

How to create a global post on World Anvil




Under this tab, others can see your most liked and most viewed articles. Your articles need to be public and published to appear here.




Under this tab, others can see your owned worlds and the worlds that you are a co-author of. Your worlds need to be public to appear here.




Under this tab, others can see your manuscripts. Your manuscripts need to be public and published to appear here.




Under this tab, others can see your characters. All your visible characters will appear here.




If you have any World Anvil Badges, they'll appear here. You can earn badges by taking part in events, challenges and leaving your feedback when new features are released!




Under this tab, others can leave comments for you, and you can also read their comments and comment back.


How to edit your profile


While in your profile page, simply click on the Edit profile button on the right to edit your user profile page.



  1. Click on your circular avatar icon on the top right of your screen.
  2. Click on the Edit Profile option.


On the left, you can change your profile picture and update your profile cover. Your profile cover will be displayed as a banner behind your profile picture and user information.


On the right, you can fill in the information that you want to display on your user profile page under the Home tab. You can add custom content, link in your socials and add your favorite media and hobbies! Make sure to click the ''save changes'' button when you're done.

  • Community signature field: the community signature will appear in your comments on articles and on discussion boards. Changes to the signature do not update the signature in existing comments you have made!
  • Custom profile content fieldMaster: here you can use CSS and BBCode to customize your content. It will appear on the top right of your profile.
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