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How to send world updates to Discord using the Webhook

Available to the Master subscription tier and above. Upgrade here.


If you have a Discord Server and you want the people on your server to get the good news when you update your articles, follow these steps:


How to create a Discord Webhook

  1. Go to your Discord's Server Settings and click on Integrations on the left side menu.
  2. Click on the ''Create Webhook'' button.
  3. Fill in a name for your Webhook and choose the channel you want your Webhook to send updates to.
  4. Copy the Webhook URL and click Save.

World Anvil world configuration


  1. Go to your World's Configuration page.
  2. Select the Social tab.
  3. Copy the webhook into the ''Discord Global Updates Webhook'' input field.
  4. Save changes on the top right.

Sending Updates


When updating an article you can now send a Discord notification to the people in your server. To do that:

  1. Head to your article's full edit page.
  2. On the right, click on the ''Open Advanced Tools & Options'' button.
  3. Under the ''Notify Followers'' field you can optionally include a notification message.
  4. Click the Update Discord button to send the notification.

If you want to send updates for multiple articles quickly, then use the Articles & Categories page. The button appears on the right sidebar after selecting an article.


Subscriber groups


Subscriber groups have the ability to have a Discord Webhook URL assigned to them.

  • Public articles. When sending a discord notification for a public article, it will be sent to the World's Discord Webhook URL (as set from the World's configuration page).
  • Private articles. When sending a discord notification for a private article, the notification will only be sent to the Discord Webhook URLs of the subscriber groups assigned to that article and that currently have a webhook URL assigned to them.
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