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How to use a spellchecker

Spellcheckers are really important to make sure you catch all those typos that manage to sneak their way into your writing! Here's how to make sure your spellchecker works with World Anvil.


Advanced BBCode editor (Euclid)

When using Euclid, follow these steps to activate the spellchecker:

  1. In the editor's toolbar, click the "Spellcheck" button. This will transform the text box into a simple plain.

    euclid spellcheck.png

  2. Click on the text box and the spellcheck will highlight incorrect words (it might take a few seconds, depending on the browser).
  3. When you're done reviewing, click the "Spellcheck" button again (which will now appear under the text box) to bring back the Euclid editor.

Simple BBCode editor (Plato)

Currently, Plato doesn't support the browser's spellchecker, but it does work with spellchecker extensions (such as Grammarly). We're currently working on an update that will add browser spellchecker support to Plato.



Manuscripts has its own text editor, and it supports spellchecking (as well as spellchecker extensions) by default! As always, you might need to click on the text field or type for the spellchecker to "see" it.

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