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How to use the visibility toggles

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With visibility toggles, you can make areas of your articles private or public at a moment's notice without even editing the article. Here's how!


Enabling visibility toggles

To enable (or disable) this option:

  1. Click the gear icon and then the double gears to access the world configuration page.
  2. Go to the "Display" tab.
  3. Find the Visibility Toggle checkbox. Check it to enable them, uncheck it to disable them.

Using visibility toggles

When you view any article in your world with visibility toggles enabled:

  1. Mouse over on any container in the article. In this context, containers are things like quote boxes and anything wrapped between [container]...[/container] tags (more info here).
  2. You'll see a button with an eye icon on the top right corner of that area. Click it.
  3. Hidden content becomes slightly transparent. To make it visible again, click the same button again.



Here are some things you need to keep in mind when using this feature:

  • Some content, like article links and spoiler buttons, may prevent the visibility toggle from working. It's recommended to double-check how your article looks logged-out to check that everything's properly hidden.
  • Article previews, such as in full article tooltips or in interactive maps, will still display hidden content. The visibility toggle only applies to the article itself.
  • Content hidden with this method is not actually removed from the article. Anyone with knowledge on how to inspect the source code of the web page can still see it.

To hide content without these limitations, use subscriber group containers or hidden comments.

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