How to add colored text to your articles

Colored text is great to make your articles more fun to look at! Here's how to use it:


Colored text

First, take a look at these examples:

[color:red]This is red[/color]
[color:#0000FF]This is blue[/color]
[color:#0000FF90]This is blue with 90% opacity![/color] [color:red|yellow]And this is red on a yellow background[/color]
This is red
This is blue
This is blue with 90% opacity!
And this red on a yellow background

With this tag you can add any color to your text. The tag accepts these types of color (all of them exemplified above):

  • HTML color names: For a list of all HTML color names, check out this W3Schools reference page
  • Color hex codes: These are hexadecimal codes with a hashtag that will let you be more precise than just a word. There are many visual color picker tools online, but you can use this on from W3Schools
  • Hex codes with transparency: Simply append a two-digit value from 01 to 99 at the end of the color hex code. The lower the number, the more transparent the text will be.

As you can see in the examples above, you can also specify the text background color. Simply write the background color separated by a | pipe character from the text color.

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