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How to request and vote new features

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If you would like to suggest a new feature to be added on World Anvil, you can use the feature requests board. Follow these steps:

  1. Click your profile picture at the top right and select Feature Requests.
  2. Before requesting a feature, check that it hasn't been requested before already! Use the search box at the top of the list to look for your idea; features that have been requested before are likely to be closed with the same decision.
  3. After checking that your request is not a duplicate, click "Suggest a feature" on the top right.
  4. Fill out the fields, trying to be detailed and concise at the same time. Your goal is to make your idea easy to understand to both the community and to the Team. This will increase the chances of your request being accepted.

After 20 days, the Team will discuss your idea and take a decision. Keep in mind that a feature being accepted doesn't mean it will be implemented soon, it just means that we have added it to our internal list. The Team's response to the request will usually include a comment to explain the decision.


Voting and commenting on a feature request

The more positive votes a feature request has, the likelier it is to be accepted (although a high amount of votes is not a guarantee that it will be accepted). To vote on a feature request, follow these steps:

  1. Click your profile picture at the top right and select Feature Requests.
  2. Go through the list of open requests and find one that you want to vote for or against.
  3. Read the feature request and use the "Cast your vote" section to vote and leave a comment.

Keep the Etiquette guide in mind when leaving a comment. The Team can see your username even if you leave an anonymous comment.

Do you have any feedback about this article? Email us at [email protected]!