How to customize the world homepage

Your world homepage is like the door to your worldbuilding. Most people will being exploring your world from the homepage, so it's important that it looks good and has a clear layout! Here's how to access the world customization options:

  1. Click the gear icon and then the double gears to access your world configuration page.
  2. In the world configuration, find the "Homepage" tab.

The Homepage tab is divided into four different tabs with different options. Let's take a quick look at each of them!


Display Options: Toggle parts on and off

Here are the contents of this sub-tab:

  • Section toggles: The checkboxes at the top will let you hide or show certain modules, such as uncategorized articles, maps, and recent articles.
  • World subtitle: You can display a subtitle under the world title using this field. This doesn't accept BBCode tags.
  • World credits override: By default, the homepage will display your name as well as your co-authors (if you have any). Anything you write in this field will replace the default credits.

Placement: change default widget locations

Available to the Grandmaster subscription tier and above. Upgrade here.


In this tab, you can change the default location of the table of contents, maps list, and timelines list. Just select which of the three columns you want them to appear in.


Custom content: add your own content

You can have total control over the content of the homepage by using this tab. Use the four text fields to place content in different areas and use BBCode to have even more control over its placement and layout. Note that the full-width text field is Grandmaster-only. The three colum fields are open to everyone.


If you uncheck everything in the Display Options to hide all of the default widgets, you can use custom content to design your own homepage from scratch.


SEO: optimize your world for Google

Available to the Sage subscription tier and above. Upgrade here.


In the SEO tab, you can set up an SEO-friendly page title and description. This is useful if you're using your world for professional purposes or simply want your world to be easier to find on Google or other search engines.


Visual customization

Customization options that affect the entire world will also affect how the homepage looks. To access the basic sytling settings:

  1. Click the gear icon in the sidebar
  2. Click the art palette icon to access the styling settings

Check the styling workflow for more information and tips to customize the look of your world.

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