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How to create a custom access denied page

Available to the Grandmaster subscription tier and above. Upgrade here.


By default, when someone tries to view a private article they don't have access to, they will instead see a default access denied page (click here to see it). However, you can set up a custom access denied page that could include useful information such as why the article is private or links to your monetization platforms (if you have any). Here's how to set it up:

  1. Create an article. It an be of any template, but you'll probably want a Generic article for this.
  2. Give the article a title and a content. It can be anything you want!
  3. Go to the world configuration by clicking the gear icon and then the double gear icon in the left sidebar.
  4. Click on the "Monetization" tab. Use the "Custom Access Denied" drop-down to choose the article you created.
  5. Save changes to the world configuration.

And that's it! Now, any time a user tries to access a private article, they'll se the custom access denied page instead. This is a great feature to use in combination with secured links.

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