MacGuffins in Novels and Tabletop RPGs: What They Are and How to Use Them

Every great adventure needs a goal, and sometimes that goal is a mysterious, often powerful object that drives the plot forward. These special items are known as MacGuffins, or sometimes Quest Items. Whether you're crafting a fantasy or sci-fi novel or building a tabletop RPG campaign, they can offer an intriguing, irresistible goal for characters to pursue.

What Is a MacGuffin?

A MacGuffin is an object, person, or event that acts as a catalyst for the characters’ actions, giving them something to chase or protect. The key element of a MacGuffin is that it doesn't need to be overly complex or deeply connected to the characters' personal motivations—its purpose is to push the plot forward.   The term was popularized by director Alfred Hitchcock. He used it to describe an object that drives the plot forward, even though its exact nature might be unimportant to the audience. In Hitchcock’s films, it often served as a device to get the characters involved in the story, but once the action was underway, it became secondary. Hitchcock famously said that the MacGuffin could be "anything," as its purpose was simply to motivate the characters.   In a novel, the MacGuffin might be the relic or treasure everyone is after. In an RPG, it could be the artifact your players need to retrieve to stop the villain. The details of what the MacGuffin is aren’t as important as the journey it sends your characters on.

Common Examples in Fiction

  • The One Ring in The Lord of the Rings is a perfect MacGuffin. The heroes need to destroy it, and everyone is after it for their own reasons.
  • In Star Wars: A New Hope, the Death Star plans are the MacGuffin that the Rebels and the Empire are fighting over.
  • The Holy Grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade sends Indy on a dangerous quest, but it’s more about the adventure than the object itself.
  • The Infinity Stones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: These artifacts drive the plot across multiple films, with heroes and villains seeking their power to fuel their plans.
  • The Spice in Dune: This substance, found only on the desert planet Arrakis, is the most valuable resource in the universe, crucial for space travel and political power, motivating the actions of characters and shaping the entire story.

Creating Interesting MacGuffins: Dos and Don'ts

MacGuffins don’t have to be complicated - as seen in the previous examples, they can literally be an interesting rock or some guy’s wine glass. But there are some best practices to keep in mind if you want them to feel more consistent with the rest of your worldbuilding.

Do: Tie the MacGuffin to the World’s Lore

A MacGuffin should feel like a natural part of your world. Even if it isn’t central to your characters’ arcs, it should belong in the world you’ve built. For a magical object, make sure there’s a reason it has power. For a document, give it political, historical or religious significance.   Example: The Sith Holocron from Star Wars Rebels isn’t just any old artifact. It’s tied to ancient Sith lore and is highly sought after because of the secrets it holds.

Don’t: Let the MacGuffin Be the Only Thing Driving the Plot

A MacGuffin is perfect for getting the ball rolling. But it shouldn’t be the only motivation for your plot. Your characters need personal stakes and relationships that are just as important as the object they’re chasing.   Example: While the One Ring is vital to the plot, The Lord of the Rings is just as much about Frodo’s struggle with power and corruption, and the friendships that help him in his quest.

Do: Surprise Your Players or Readers with a Twist

A great way to keep your MacGuffin fresh is to subvert expectations. Maybe the MacGuffin isn’t what the characters think it is, or maybe its purpose changes halfway through the story.   Example: In The Jewel of the Nile, the characters spend the movie chasing the titular “jewel,” only for it to turn out to be a humble religious leader. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the power of the ark turns out to be uncontrollable - the Nazi’s couldn’t have used it even if they’d kept it.

Don’t: Make the MacGuffin Overly Complicated

We know you love writing deep lore. We love it too! But when it comes to a quest item or MacGuffin, simplicity is best. The more complicated you make it, the more likely your players or readers will lose interest. Keep its purpose basic and easy to understand, even if there’s a deeper lore behind its origin and history. What matters is that the characters need to get it, and why that need is urgent.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi MacGuffin Ideas

Need some inspiration? Here are a few fun ideas for fantasy and sci-fi MacGuffins:  
  • The Shattered Crown: A magical crown broken into pieces, with each piece granting a different power. The party must gather the pieces before an evil force does.
  • The Time-Shard Key: A relic that can open doors to any moment in time. Whoever controls it can alter the past or future, but at a terrible cost.
  • The Void Map: A map leading to a treasure hidden in the far reaches of space, but the coordinates are encrypted and scattered across multiple galaxies.
  • The Starshard Crystal: A fragment of a dying star said to grant immense energy to any civilization that harnesses it. Different factions race to claim it, but using it could lead to catastrophic consequences.
  • The Phantom Codex: An ancient, lost book containing forbidden spells capable of rewriting reality itself. However, unlocking its magic requires solving dangerous riddles - and a wrong answer can erase the seeker from existence.

Start Building Your Own MacGuffin

Creating MacGuffins is an exciting way to fuel the action and adventure in your stories or RPGs. Whether you’re looking for a classic treasure or a more personal twist, these objects can give your plot that much-needed push.   If you’re ready to build the perfect MacGuffin but don’t know where to start, head over to World Anvil. Our item worldbuilding template is a powerful tool that will help you create detailed, memorable MacGuffins with lore, history, and more. You can break through any creative blocks and create items your readers or players will love.   Create your free account today, and let your MacGuffins lead your characters on an epic quest!
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