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Article just randomly losing my work

· Articles & templates ·
By brocksmith225 on 06/04/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris
· Waiting for Response

I am having articles just revert to old versions and delete all of the work I've put into it. It says it is saved, but a few days later when I come back the progress is gone.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Write on an existing article 2. Open it later

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 04 Jun, 2024 02:27:04 Assignee

Do you by any chance work in multiple devices or multiple tabs / windows? This MAY happen if you had the same article open in a different device opened and then made an edit that will reverse previous changes. it is one of the reasons that working on multiple tabs may be a bit dangerous.   Another reason, less likely is that you used in your article non-canonical characters like a weird emoji

Dimitris @ 04 Jun, 2024 02:27:08 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 04:07:48 Assignee

I am closing this since I have received no reply for over a week - please feel free to reply here with any updates.

Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 04:07:54 Assignee
Dimitris Added tag Waiting for Response
Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 04:07:57 Assignee
set this bug to closed
StormyDear @ 15 Jun, 2024 03:58:36

I'm so sorry. I didn't relies I would get a reply. I thought it would just be clumped up with other similar complaints and be fixed whenever an update would happen, so I haven't thought to open this site back up. But um I did have another tab open, but it was on the list of steps to take so I knew what to do whenever I was done filling out the meta portion. I unfortunately have a scatter brain and new that I would get lost when I needed it.