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Article Updates not posting to Discord Server Via Webhook

· Other ·
By MelissaPlaysRPGs on 07/07/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris
· Done

I've tried sharing articles to my discord server lately and they do not show up in the channel. I've re-copy/pasted the webhook link from discord into world anvil, but that did not fix the problem. In the past, I was able to share articles easily and reliably, but it seems this function no longer works.

Steps to Reproduce

Ensure you have copied the webhook from your discord channel into the world settings in world anvil.   Edit an existing article, open Advanced Tools & Options, Write a comment under Notify Followers, and then click on Update Discord. The message will not be sent.

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity

Update Discord button under Advanced Tools & Options in the article editor.


SupaGreenRubyRhodd @ 10 Jul, 2024 10:56:44

I have also experienced this issue, deleted my old webhook and made a new one, updated that link in World Anvil to no success yet. Ive taken to just manually posting the updated articles in the #announcement channel of my discord myself but would love to get the automated feature working again.

andresyuhnke @ 14 Aug, 2024 08:25:41

likewise my webhook that was working previoulsy just stopped, I have not yet tried deleting and creating a new webhook, that will be my next step.

Dimitris @ 26 Aug, 2024 05:16:10 Assignee

andresyuhnke any updates on this? We cannot replicate this in any of our test and proper accounts. Webhooks go as normal.

Dimitris @ 26 Aug, 2024 05:16:19 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 03 Sep, 2024 04:08:26 Assignee

Based on the recent changes this should be fixed by tomorrow's release

Dimitris @ 03 Sep, 2024 04:08:36 Assignee
Dimitris Added tag Done
Dimitris @ 05 Sep, 2024 08:17:32 Assignee
set this bug to closed