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Discussion Boards OOC & Instructions do not save empty

· Other ·
By Graylion on 05/29/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

  • This is minor, but has been on my list for a while.
  • Instructions field and Out of Character field
  • If you delete text and save the post does not save the null field and retains the original text
  • Current work around is to type a space and save, this removes the text but leaves the empty field visible because it has a space
  • Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a discussion board post
  • Add instruction text
  • Add out of character text
  • Save
  • Edit
  • Delete instructions and out of character text
  • Save
  • Operating System




    Related Entity

  • Discussion Board Post
  • Instructions field
  • Out of Character field
  • History

    Dimitris @ 30 May, 2024 03:20:39 Assignee

    Does it work if you just add an empty / space character?

    Dimitris @ 30 May, 2024 03:20:47 Assignee
    Assigned Dimitris
    Graylion @ 30 May, 2024 07:19:52

    Yes if hit the space key and save it overwrites what is there.

    Dimitris @ 30 May, 2024 08:17:44 Assignee

    OK in which case I am making a note about this for the next version so it can be corrected but closing this bug thank you!

    Dimitris @ 30 May, 2024 08:17:47 Assignee
    set this bug to closed
    Graylion @ 30 May, 2024 09:39:58

    Thank you