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Plato Editor Image Previews - Malformed URL

· Editor: plato ·
By Buzzard on 06/05/2024

When placing an image into the Plato editor, via the copy/paste method from the Image manager or using the Image Button in the editor, the URL to the image is malformed and results in a broken image in the editor.   The image URL is being prepended with '' yielding a URL to the image as 'https://www.worldanvil.com******.webp'   This causes the images to fail to load in the Plato preview.   The image appears correctly on the View side.

Steps to Reproduce

Using the Plato editor, insert an image via copy/paste of bbcode or using the Image button at the top of the editor. BBCode looks to be fine, but the rendered HTML preview has the malformed URL to the image.

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 05 Jun, 2024 02:41:53 Developer

I thought this might be the case - Thank you Buzzard - I am closing this because SECRETS but I will see if we can fix this for the coming days (until the new releast)

Dimitris @ 05 Jun, 2024 02:41:57 Developer
set this bug to closed