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Character's I've removed from a campaign won't leave the campaign homepage and articles can't be deleted

· Articles & templates ·
By Samtheman003 on 06/04/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

There are a many characters I have removed from a campaign of mine and even though I've removed them, I can't deleted their articles or prevent their articles from showing up on the campaign homepage. When the link is clicked, it simply goes to an error 404 page.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Make character and link them to a campaign 2. As the Game master, remove character from the campaign 3. Attempt to delete the character's article from the campaign articles 4. Check to see if that Character's folder or article still shows up in the campaign homepage

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 05 Jun, 2024 02:47:36 Assignee

Can you please give us some more detail so we can investigate?

  • Which characters
  • in Which world
  • Where do you see them?
  • Have you also removed them from the world?
  • Were these characters created by you or members of your party?
  • Dimitris @ 05 Jun, 2024 02:47:42 Assignee
    Assigned Dimitris
    Samtheman003 @ 06 Jun, 2024 02:57:18

    Hi, I've tried to recreate it and it's suddenly working? Not sure what caused it to work suddenly but it does now! So sorry!

    Dimitris @ 07 Jun, 2024 03:47:53 Assignee

    Thank you for the update - if you need any help please let me know!

    Dimitris @ 07 Jun, 2024 03:47:57 Assignee
    set this bug to closed