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Can't edit articles when over article count limit

· Articles & templates ·
By Uninspired on 05/13/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

I currently have more than 42 articles. I don't know when the 42 article limit was imposed, but I am assuming it was done recently. I can understand why I wouldn't be allowed to make new articles, but why can't I edit the ones I already have? Is this a bug, or is it on purpose?

Steps to Reproduce

Exceed article count limit and attempt to edit a prexisting article

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 14 May, 2024 05:29:46 Assignee

Hello there - this is not a bug - and nothing has changed on that front - Editing of articles when over limit was never allowed because of the way people can abuse this system. (not saying you did - just explaining the logic behind it)   If you have any questions feel free to reply here :)

Dimitris @ 14 May, 2024 05:29:52 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 14 May, 2024 05:29:56 Assignee
set this bug to closed