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World not syncing on foundry and was asked to report here.

· Api ·
By kayhosraven on 03/22/2023
· Assigned to GorkamWorka
· Bug

I am experiencing issues with the synchronization of my Tellene World ( into Foundry VTT, it does not work at all. I documented the issue in this Github ticket and it was evaluated as Non-Reproductible. I asked for help in the WorldAnvil Discord and was pointed to Foundry VTT, asked for help there and was pointed to the Module GitHub, there, a World Anvil dev and the Foundry VTT dev both told me they couldn't do anything about it. So now my last hope is with you.

Steps to Reproduce

See informations documented in Github Ticket for the World Anvil Foundry module (

Operating System




Related Entity

This bug was opened following Maddie's request:   Thank you very much for your patience. After speaking with both the founders and the dev team, we would like to request that you make a bug report with us here. Once submitted, Dimitris, our CTO, will reach out and ask for details - he will need your world anvil associated email and username, and well as the world that is not syncing. If you could please provide the API key you are using here, this would also be incredibly helpful to finding the root of the issue.   I would greatly appreciate it if you could update me on when the bug report has been made. And, if you do have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know here.   Kind regards,   Maddie Community Liaison [email protected]


Dimitris @ 23 Mar, 2023 05:01:05 Developer
Assigned GorkamWorka
SoulLink @ 23 Mar, 2023 07:41:24 Moderator
SoulLink Added tag Bug
Dimitris @ 26 Mar, 2023 04:21:51 Developer

We will be investigating this shortly but i want to make clear that we cannot be responsible for software we have not written. We will check on our end though :)   Where did you sent the API key?

kayhosraven @ 28 Mar, 2023 05:19:53

Thanks Dimitris & al. The API key was posted to Maddie in response to her email.   I'm pretty sure I tested the connector with multiple setup and everything seemed to work fine.   I may have renamed the main categories or switched the language to french (if that is possible) , I can't seem to find a way to get it back.   Also, I initially created this world as a private world instead of a public one.

Dimitris @ 30 Mar, 2023 06:12:10 Developer

Hey kayhosraven - we are prioritising this to see what is going on with this world. I will let you know once we have news.

kayhosraven @ 26 Apr, 2023 12:29:02

Thank you for the update Dimitris.   As additionnal information, Initially this world was created in french and then switched back to english. It was also initially fully private and then opened. I hope these additionnal informations help you find the source of the issue.

GorkamWorka @ 30 May, 2023 10:07:21 Assignee

It should be resolved can you confirm it is ?

kayhosraven @ 13 Jun, 2023 03:25:04

Thanks for the update @GorkamWorka,   Do I need to regenerate the API key because I seem to still have the same issue connecting to the Tellene world while I do NOT have the issue with my two other worlds: Fallout and Hyboria. Hyboria is older than Tellene and Fallout is newer than Tellene.   Here are the two messages in the browser console when trying to display the World Anvil import window:   Blocage d’une requête multiorigines (Cross-Origin Request) : la politique « Same Origin » ne permet pas de consulter la ressource distante située sur[REDACTED]. Raison : l’en-tête CORS « Access-Control-Allow-Origin » est manquant. Code d’état : 500.   TypeError: An error occurred while rendering WorldAnvilBrowser 8. NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. [No packages detected] foundry:747:30   ---   A bit of background information, the world was initially in English, i changed it to French and then back to English. Also, for a while the world was in Private mode with all accesses blocked.   Performing the tests once more, here are the error messages I get in the console that is refusing the connection.   game:1 Access to fetch at '[REDACTED]' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.     api:79 GET…AqLhxXckvAl2SJjz22FpTvUcrDEWA7KD3Ype9XApln0q9VrG1xqBPbau9wdzxpSUtod4bDniDU net::ERR_FAILED 500 _fetch @ api:79 _fetchMany @ api:104 getCategories @ api:163 _getCategories @ framework:583 getCategories @ framework:522 getContentTree @ journal:93 getData @ journal:75 await in getData (async) _render @ foundry:5785 render @ foundry:5742 (anonymous) @ wa:68 dispatch @ jquery.min:2 y.handle @ jquery.min:2     foundry:753 TypeError: An error occurred while rendering WorldAnvilBrowser 10. Failed to fetch [Detected 1 package: world-anvil] at WorldAnvil._fetch (api:79:28) at WorldAnvil._fetchMany (api:104:32) at WorldAnvil.getCategories (api:163:17) at _getCategories (framework:583:31) at getCategories (framework:522:28) at WorldAnvilBrowser.getContentTree (journal:93:38) at WorldAnvilBrowser.getData (journal:75:29) at async WorldAnvilBrowser._render (foundry:5785:18) onError @ foundry:753 call_wrapped @ libWrapper-wrapper:507 Hooks.onError#lib-wrapper @ listeners:138 Hooks.onError#0 @ libWrapper-wrapper:187 (anonymous) @ foundry:5744 Promise.catch (async) render @ foundry:5742 (anonymous) @ wa:68 dispatch @ jquery.min:2 y.handle @ jquery.min:2     ---   More details, I have update to the WorldAnvil Integration (v1.4.4) into Foundry VTT (v11.306) and the behavior remains. I am convinced that my World has a misconfiguration. That happened when I switched it from Private to Public.

thor547 @ 27 Aug, 2023 11:27:50

I'd like to add that I have an issue syncing my world with Foundry as well. When I use the WA icon in Foundry, it will see my opening page but nothing else.

Dimitris @ 04 Sep, 2023 04:14:16 Developer
set this bug to closed
kayhosraven @ 08 Nov, 2023 05:58:42

Issue was closed but not resolved.

kayhosraven @ 28 May, 2024 12:03:44

No Idea what happened, but it finally started working in my world. Thanks to whoever fixed it.